Some things are more painful than wounds

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It took a while, but at the end of the three weeks, my leg had healed and it was time for me to return home. I had made quite a dent on the Pirates, I had cheered them up in ways even I couldn't explain. They all considered me practically a goddess, of kindness and happiness, and treated me like a princess. I had grown relatively fond of them and promised I would return as soon as I could. I cared for all of them, all of them, that is...except for Captain Hook.

Ever since the chocolate incident, it was no secret he though of me as more than just a passenger on board his ship. I knew he considered me a goddess, not just one of kindness and happiness, but one of beauty and of the purest golden heart known by the seven seas (his words by the way). Although I was flattered by his compliments, I was afraid of the fact that he may consider me a girl for the role as Pirate Queen of his crew, and that was the last thing I wanted.

On the day when I was to leave, it was sunny like it was most of the time in Neverland. The Pirates were all standing on one side of the deck, and I stood on the side facing the shore.

I turned my head to look at them one last time, before I turned, jumped off the railings, and swooped into the sky.

I hovered for a moment or two, enjoying the fact that I was free again. Before I swooped down and landed at the edge of Cannibal Cove, I smiled and looked back at the Pirates, waved once, and raced off into the the jungle.

"Ivy?!" I shouted cheerfully, as I slipped down the entrance tunnel, "are you here?" I came to a standstill in the main room, and looked around.

"Ivy?" I said again, I was beginning to feel a little worried.

"Keri?" A voice timidly whispered, I whirled around to see Susie standing several feet away behind me.

"Is it..." she whispered softly, "really you?" She walked over to me practically in a daze, and stopped standing in front of me. She reached up slowly, and let her fingers graze against my cheek.

I smiled at her kindly. "It's me Susie," I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes, "I'm home."

Susie stared at me for a moment of two, and began to cry tears of joy before she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. "Welcome home Keri, I missed you so much." she happily sobbed.

I let myself fall to my knees, and hugged her back, tears falling out of my own eyes. "I missed you too Susie," I sobbed, "I missed you too."

It took awhile, but eventually I had reunited with each of the Lost Girls, and soon a party was held in honor of my return. Peter and the Lost Boys also came, and I knew there would be no other moment Peter would be happier than when he saw me. The day ended, and we all headed off to party with the Indians, when that was over we headed back home. Peter and the Lost Boys were so tired, they decided they would sleep over that night. In the end, we all fell asleep peacefully, with small smiles on our faces, and joy in our hearts.

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