The Girls of Neverland

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*To anyone who is reading this, please know that this is my first story, so if you're going to leave a comment...please don't make it a harsh one. This is based off of Disney's Peter Pan, and I own nothing but Keri and the lost girls.*

Everyone thinks Peter and the Lost Boys were the first children that came to Neverland, the first children who had enough stubbornness to go up against Captain Hook countless times without thinking of the out their attack plans. But they're wrong, dead wrong, and I should know, I came here to Neverland long before Peter did. My name's Keri, and this is my story of my life in my home sweet home, Neverland.

"Lost girls, lost girls, wake up, wake up!" It was another normal Neverland morning, and, like most mornings, Susie was the one to sound off the wake up call. "LOST GIRLS, LOST GIRLS," she shouted again, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!! The first one to get up was Ivy, she yet out a long yawn and opened her emerald green eyes. "That's it", she muttered angrily, as she threw her sheets off. She stomped over to Susie and grabbed her by the back of her tiger skin dress.

"Did it ever accrue to you that some of us like to sleep in? She growled out, Susie gulped. "Sorry" she whimpered, Ivy sighed, "you're impossible" and yet she was smiling as she said this. Ivy was about 7 and a half years old, she had long dark red hair that flowed down her shoulders in neat, straight waves, most of of us had this style because it was easy to take care of. Her eyes are a bright emerald green like a field of grass in summer sunshine. Her face was heart-shaped face, and she had a smooth nose and and medium sized mouth that was capable of many
expressions, along with a voice that was rather cheerful and medium pitched. Susie was about 6 and a quarter years old, she had short honey brown that hung just below her ears, her eyes were a light silver, and her face was rather round, and her nose rather flat, her voice was young and still had a toddler tint to it.

"Are you guys arguing again?" Another voice shouted, this voice was calm and smooth. "What does it mean to you?" Ivy shouted back. At that moment another girl entered the main room, this girl also had shoulder length hair, but it was a light blond, and her eyes were a dark blue like the night sky. She was 8 and a quarter years old, and her name was Samantha. She also had a heart-shaped face, most of the girls did, and a medium pitched voice.

At that point, most of the girls had awoken from their slumber, and were now entering the main room. Two of them were the 9 and a quarter twins, Glinda and Glitter. Both of them had light blond hair that hung just above their shoulders, extra light blue eyes, square shaped faces, and pale, white skin.

At that moment, just when a fight started brewing another voice cut though the noise like a knife, "ENOUGH!" it shouted, and immediately everything fell silent. All heads turned ever so slowly to the dark corner of the room where the voice had spoken. In the the dark another girl could be seen, this one taller than all the others, and if you looked closely, you could see the faint online if her hair, black as ebony, and in medium thick twists like rope.

"Why is it ever morning you guys always find a reason to make trouble?" The girl said, before stepping out into the light. This girl was 10 years old, and against her own will, was full of breath-taking beauty. Her eyes were a milk chocolate brown, and were framed by thick eyelashes, her face was diamond shaped, and her nose ended in a smooth flat tip, her lips were thin yet plump and a light pink in color. Her skin was a light golden brown, and her legs, arms, and fingers were all equally long, fit, and slender, and she was wearing a light blue night dress. That girl was me.

"Sorry Keri, Susie is just so loud in the mornings." Ivy said, as she reluctantly let go of of Susie's dress, "I said I was sorry didn't I?" Susie squealed. I rolled my eyes, "Ivy, you know how much Susie likes to play rooster every morning, you might as well respect that." I smiled an ever so small smile to myself, Ivy and Susie had a on and off friendship, but they got along well, most of the time.

"So, what the plan for today Keri?" Glinda and Glitter asked in unison. I smiled at them, my pearl white teeth shining in the sunlight. "Well," I began slowly, "we could start with breakfast...". "We always start with breakfast." Ivy shouted with a smile.

"I suppose we do don't we?" I responded with a smile, "but let's start off with that anyways alright? We can't have adventures on an empty stomach." Sooner or later we were all sitting around the dinner table, eating our usual breakfast of fruits and berries, we didn't eat meat unless it was a special occasion. Then we all went to our bedroom to get dressed, when we were done, we all gathered up our weapons to go out for our usual morning walk.

Several minutes later...

We had just returned from our walk, and it had been about half an hour of complete silence ever since then, and we were all pretty bored. "Is there anything interesting to do?" Ivy asked for probably the 5th time. "No, at least not for now." I responded. At that moment, a rooster call echoed through the hideout. We lived inside never peak mountain by the way. "Peter!" Every girl shouted, I rolled my eyes as and the lost boys ran into the main room, with Peter flying right above them.

"Heya, lost girls!" Peter shouted, as usual, Peter was wearing his green leaf suit, light brown shoes, red feathered cap, and his trusty dagger hanging at his belt.

"Heya sis!" Peter said once he spotted me, "did ya miss me?". I looked at him once with a calm, impassive expression, before rolling my eyes. "Of course I missed you Peter." I replied.

If you looked at Peter and I you would probably wonder how we were related. But we had been by each other's side since the beginning, at still had each other's backs today. And yet at the same time we were as different as day and night, Peter was the day, and I was the night. Peter was foolish, never thought about his hunting plans, and was always out in the spotlight grabbing attention no mater what the consequences. I was always in the shadows avoiding attention as much as possible, always rethought my hunting plans, and was rather wise.

At that moment, a shout from Peter snapped me from my thoughts. "Hey Keri, guess what?" I looked up at his excited expression calmly. "What?" I said. Peter's smile grew wider, "I was just about to go bother that old codfish Captain Hook, when I thought, 'you know what, this is boring, I need some more people to make this a little more entertaining' do you know what that means?".

I calmly looked at Peter once before resuming my stare my stare at the dirt floor. "No Peter, what does it mean?" Right about then Peter looked ready to explode which, for me, meant trouble. "It means..." Peter squeaked, then he exploded, "THAT I'M INVITING THE LOST GIRLS AND YOUR SELF ON A "ANNOY CAPTAIN HOOK" DAILY NEVER LAND ADVENTURE!!!"

That got my attention.

"WHAT?!?!" I practically screamed, "Peter..." I said, "you can't be serious, the lost girls and I only talk to the mermaids, the Indians, and you and your crew, but never the Pirates!"

"That's the point!" Peter said, beaming proudly, "you guys can try something new for a change, what da ya say?" I looked at the rest of the lost girls nervously. They all seemed pretty excited, but they were all looking at me nervously, hoping I'd say yes. At the same time however, there was another reason why they were so nervous. They could go freely wherever they pleased in Neverland, but not me for I was by far the most beautiful out the family, and I was afraid I might marry first. I never told Peter that because he would think I'm growing up.

I sighed, letting these thoughts sink in. "Alright," I murmured, "but just this once, and you owe me Peter." A cheer erupted from everyone and the walls shook sending a little dirt falling down. I smiled, knowing perfectly well something new was going to happen to me today. What I didn't know was that it would change my life forever.

*I hope you liked this, the next chapter is about our favorite Neverland pirate, and a new girl. And believe me when I say you don't want to miss it.*

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