Girl of Glass

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It took a long time to earn her trust based solely on playful teasing here and there.

A few times I would get her to say something but it was usually a sarcastic comment or snide remark.

She was very defensive, it felt like I would just get her to open up a little bit only for her to slam the door shut and add another lock.

She was sitting beside me in English one morning doodling in her notebook as always until the spine was full. I was trying to listen to the teacher while still watching her out of my side view.

Something I had mastered while I couldn't move my eyes.

She sat back in her seat and fidgeted with the bands on her wrist mindlessly while staring at the book in front of her.

I wanted so badly to know what she was thinking.

I guess luck was on my side that day as we happened to get paired up for an assignment.

She was less than thrilled but I thought it would be a great chance to actually get to know her, now she had no choice but to talk to me.

I gave her my number and told her to let me know when she wanted to get together to work on it.

In all honesty I didn't really expect her to text me and after a couple of days I was doubting she would.

Then one night I finally got a message from an unknown number asking me when and where I wanted to do this 'stupid thing'.

It made me laugh since I knew right away it was her, I could almost hear the snarky attitude through the text.

We decided she would come over after school the next day and we would work on it at my house.

For the first while she was really quiet and would only say what she absolutely had to in order to get the project done.

Once we had been working on it for an hour or so she relaxed a bit and didn't look like she was ready to crawl out of her skin anymore.

Then mom hollered at me from down the hall and told me the boys were here.

I didn't even have time to close my book before Aaron was in the doorway wide eyed and oblivious to Eden as he went over to the bed, sat down and looked me dead in the eye and told me Joey Jordison died, you could see he was devastated.

Joey was his idol, Aaron even had a replica of his mask hanging in his room.

For some strange reason this is when my brain decided it was a good time to burst into hysterical laughter.

Eden looked at me in horror as I lost it laughing until I couldn't breathe.

Aaron and Danny just smirked and shook their heads, almost in unison.

The End, So FarWhere stories live. Discover now