A Blood Soaked Symphony

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An hour later the doctor comes back and despite him telling me I need to stay in bed I insist on getting up. After arguing with me for a while he finally gave in and let me get in the chair. I couldn't push myself or do much of anything but I can't just sit around when I know Danny's hurt somewhere.

I need to see him.

I need to know if he's ok.

I asked Eden where Aaron was and she said she didn't know, everyone got separated when we got here. We wander around for a bit before finding a nurse and asking where Danny was. All we got was third floor, so that was where we went.

Our parents were still talking and had met up with Becca's parents. I don't think they noticed us slip away.

When we got off the elevator we found ourselves on the surgical floor.

We didn't know where to go so we went up to the big desk that had a waiting room off to the side.

That's where we found Aaron.

He was yelling at a nurse insisting she let him see his brother, she kept trying to get him to sit down but he wouldn't listen to her. He was pacing back and forth waving his arms around trying to get her to let him past her.

There was a bandage on his right arm and I noticed a slight limp when he paced but other than that he looked okay. I was relieved, but wanted to know how Danny was in the worst way.

"Aaron!" I yelled hoping to distract him from the nurse that was trying to keep him calm. He turned in our direction and his eyes got wide.

"Oh my god, guys! Your okay!" he gasped and ran over to hug us. There was a row of stitches across his forehead and down by his eye.

"Were fine, how are you?" Eden asks after he lets her go.

"There's nothing wrong with me, it's Danny, they won't let me see him! I kept trying to wake him up in the car but he wouldn't open his eyes, there was so much blood. I don't know where it was all coming from. Have you seen Penny? Is she ok?" he asked starting to cry and Eden grabbed him again.

"She's fine! Were all fine, have they come and said anything yet?" she asks rubbing his back.

"No, they said he's in surgery. They took mom back as soon as she got here but they wouldn't let me go with her." he sobbed and shook in Eden's arms.

"It's okay Aaron, Danny will be fine. He's strong, he'll get through this." I assured him trying to convince myself as well.

We sat and waited for what felt like forever. Eventually our parents found us and came to sit down with us and wait. Aaron couldn't sit still, he paced the floor and jumped every time the door opened. I thought he was going to wear out a track in the floor by the time they came out.

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