Pulmonary Archery

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So that's where I'm at right now.

Working with tweedle dee and tweedle dum in physio, going to school, and chasing a raven.

Kaden keeps trying to get me angry, he knows I push myself harder when I'm mad but he's pissing me off. I've been working on lifting myself out of this damn chair for over an hour and my arms are not cooperating.

Since the injury my bicep strength is limited, I can only lift my arms so high before they just flop over and hit me in the head. I knew getting myself strong enough to actually transfer on my own was going to be a challenge but holy shit, its proving to be a lot harder than I expected. I can barely manage to lift my ass off the seat but moving anywhere is not easy.

"Its going to take some practice, your injury level is going to make it hard to build muscle in your arms but not impossible. Keep working on it and they'll get stronger. Someday you might actually be able to throw a punch that leaves a mark." Kaden mocks as I get ready to leave.

"Prick, I would have kicked your ass before." I smirk and back towards the door.

"Keep dreaming kid, see you Friday." He smiles and shakes his head.

Eden actually sat with us at lunch without protest now. She didn't' really talk much but I was happy she was there. It was a start. 

We were making plans for the weekend since nothing was really going on.

I invited her to come hang out with us at my place and she said "maybe."

It was more that I expected.

I kept insisting she join us and by Friday I think I had annoyed her enough that she just gave in to get me off her back.

I was working with Kaden when she finally replied to my ninth text saying "Fine I'll come."

I seen it on the screen while I was laying on the matt and It made me smile. Kaden noticed, of course.

"What's got you so happy?" he smirks as stretches my leg.

"Possibly getting somewhere with my third goal." I admit.

"Really, what's her name?" he smiles and switches legs.

I shoot him a glare then try to hit him but he leans back to quickly.

I hate how well he knows me at this point.

We've spent way too much time together.

"Ok sit up." He laughs and lets my legs go.

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