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"So what is a girl like you doing by rounding up all of these guys?" The blond man before her asked, running his index finger up and down her wrist.

The woman gave the man her signature bright smile as she glanced from where his finger brushed her wrist to his blue eyes. "Just helping out a friend; and the needy children, of course."

He chuckled, leaning back from the woman and taking a sip of the drink sitting in front of him. "And this auction, will you be bidding?" He asked suggestively.

"Of course." The girl let out a giggle, sliding the clipboard with the sign up sheet to the man. "But only if you are on this list."

Without another word leaving his lips, the blond man pulled a pen from his coat pocket and quickly added his name to the auction list. Not even looking at the paper, his eyes focusing on the woman smiling across from him, he jotted his name onto the paper.

"Thank you, Marcus." The woman stated, sliding the clipboard back to her side of the table and flipping her brown hair over her shoulder. "A lot of children will be grateful to you, as well."

"Well, anything for the children." He chuckled, giving her a smirk before reaching over to grab her hand. He places a light kiss to it. "And you, sweet heart."

The woman blushed slightly as the two of them rose from their seats and said their goodbyes.

Once the two had parted ways and she had finally reached her car, she let out a sigh of relief. She leaned her head back against the seat. Her powers had been draining her from the moment she had started her day. Emotions swirling inside her brain had caused her a migraine.

This is for Phoebe, and the needy children. She had to keep telling herself as she pulled out the clipboard to double check that she had gotten the correct information from Marcus and the other men on the roster.

Her phone rang from her purse and she quickly shuffled through it to pull the phone out. "Hello?" She said, flipping the phone open without even checking to see who had been calling.

"Hi, honey!" Phoebe's voice spoke through the phone. Instantly, she could feel the panic coming off of her friend through the cellular device.

"What's wrong, Pheebs?" Sage asked, using her shoulder to hold the phone to her ear as she buckled up.

"Why does anything have to be wrong?" Phoebe asked, before confessing immediately after. "Okay, there is something wrong. Paige has been turned to stone, there's a whitelighter from the future here, and Titans are behind what's been going on with not only the weather, but Paige, too. Piper wants you here so you can get a read on this whitelighter. Precautions, you know?"

Sage rubbed her temple in stress as she tried to process everything that she was being told. By now, she was used to the chaos that came from being friends with the sisters, so it was no surprise to her that they had yet another attack while she was away.

"I'll be there in less than ten." Sage told her friend, putting the car in drive.

"Drive safe! And brace yourself!" With that, Phoebe hung up the phone.

Sage knew that something had to have been going on. Especially when she woke up in the middle of the night nearly sick from hot flashes. She knew it wasn't because of her, but because of Paige. Being around the sisters so much had caused her to create a psychological bond with them just as much as her physical bond was.

Just as she had told Phoebe, she was at the Halliwell manor in less than ten minutes. Despite Phoebe's warning, there was no way Sage would've been able to prepare herself enough for what she walked into.

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now