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To say that Sage was nervous about her first date would be an understatement. The empath was freaking out so much that she hadn't even thought to control her emotions to the point that she had sent Phoebe into three active panic attacks within two hours.

The girl had emptied her entire closet and changed her hairstyle four times before the older empath stepped in before she went into a fourth panic attack. Phoebe had found an old floral printed, sage green sundress in the back of Sage's closet that had belonged to her Gran when she was her age. Once she had the girl in her dress, she sat her down at her vanity and gave her a miniature makeover.

Having Phoebe dress her up reminded her of when they, Piper, and Prue were kids. Since Sage was the youngest of the four, she was their built in dress up doll. Despite being incredible at it as an adult, Prue had traumatized her multiple times with make up. There were pictures hidden somewhere in the manor of the makeovers that Prue had given her.

Sage tried to sit as still as possible as Phoebe worked her magic- well, non-magical magic. Her mind raced and her heart pounded. She couldn't believe her ears when Hayden had orbed in the day after their talk telling her that he had someone who would like to go on a date with her. Now it was barely a week later and it was time for her date.

Hayden had helped his friend plan the whole date out. Instead of a boring dinner filled with small talk, Hayden's friend, Matthias wanted to take her on a picnic. So Hayden helped by listing her favorite snacks and park for the date to kick off great. Now the rest was up to her.

She was terrified of, well, everything about the date and dating in general. Do you kiss on the first date? Should she hold his hand? There was no way that she was going further than a simple kiss. She had walked in on Phoebe way too many times to even think about bringing a guy back to her place. And if she did, what if someone walked in on them? What if Chris walked in on them?

"Quit!" Phoebe exclaimed, dragging out the word with a groan. "You're overthinking again!"

"Sorry," Sage apologized softly, rubbing her bare arm while the older woman finished working on her hair. "I'm just, honestly, freaking out, Pheebs."

"Which is understandable. This is your first date since your Gran and Hayden passed." Phoebe reassured her, taking a seat on the bed behind her. "It's okay to be scared, but you can't close yourself off to this."

Sage stared at herself in the mirror. She was thankful for Phoebe and her skills. Her makeup looked so natural that she wouldn't have realized she was wearing any if her lips didn't have the gloss look to them. She had pulled her chestnut colored hair into a milkmaid braid, which is a hairstyle that Sage typically liked to wear, but hadn't since Prue's death. She had always been the one to help her with the braid. Of course, Sage knew how to do it, but it was always a bonding moment for her and the woman.

"You're right. I've done it for too long." Sage admitted, pulling a thin sweater over her arms. "I've just never had the chance to see my future the way that you and Piper have. You know that you're destined to have kids, so you look. From what Chris says, my future is cut short. It's almost like I've given up hope of what type of future I could have."

"Which is even more of a reason to put yourself out there. Why sit around and mope over a guy you can't have when you can go out and have fun?" Phoebe tried to clam her nerves. "Besides, we would never let anything happen to you. So whatever it is that kills you in Chris's future isn't happening. Not now and not ever. Got it?"

Sage smiled and gave the woman nod. Phoebe sighed in relief and slapped her knees as she stood. "Okay, finish getting ready for your date. I'm going to meditate before my brain explodes."

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now