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A month had passed since Leo became a whitelighter; and life seemed normal again. Well, almost normal. Piper had been acting strangely... chipper. Every moment of the day she walked around with a smile on her face, but Sage could feel her pain. Instead of processing the loss of her husband being around, she was playing daycare and fighting demons all at the same time.

Something weird had been happening with Phoebe. Her column had been recently seeing its better days. It felt more personal and the advice she had been giving had seemed to be working for her readers. Sage had also seen that she had been able to tap into the emotions of others around her which made her think that maybe Phoebe was on the verge of a new power. One very similar to her own.

Paige had decided to take a step back from the magic world and focus on her everyday life; starting with finding a career. At the moment, she had been working with a temp agency to which she was given a new job almost every week. Sage didn't really get much of a chance to hang out with her because they were both so busy.

Throughout the whole month, they hadn't heard a single word from Leo. Sage was beginning to worry because even though the man was a stickler for the rules, she had assumed that he would at least break them every now and then to come see Wyatt. Chris had been filling in as their whitelighter pretty well though. He seemed to have a new demon for the sisters to vanquish every day. Despite offering her help, Chris always denied Sage the chance to help with the demon hunting. Instead whenever one is near, he makes sure that she isn't around. Even going as far as orbing her out of the house while she was eating dinner. He got a goose egg on his head for that one.

She didn't really understand her dynamic with Chris. The two of them had grown close pretty fast throughout the past month. Phoebe had even pointed out that the two of them seemed like the best of friends. Though the two of them shared a confused expression with raised eyebrows. They didn't see it, but who knows what could happen.

"Piper!" Sage called out as she slung the door open. Her hands were filled with bags from where she had went grocery shopping like the woman had asked her to do once she had gotten off of work.

Her stone eyes widened as a fireball was lunged at her face causing her to jump to the side. She cried out in pain as she- and the groceries she had been carrying- landed on the ground. She turned her head to see a burn now caressing her bare shoulder.

She glanced over to the parlor where the sisters were now vanquishing the demon that had given her the burn. She stood up, holding her injured arm as Phoebe asked if everyone was okay. Piper, being the chipper person she was at the moment, smiled and told them it was awesome.

"No! No, it was not awesome. Not only is my shoulder burnt like a piece of chicken at the hibachi, our groceries are scattered across the floor!" Sage ranted, kicking a can of tomato sauce across the floor.

Phoebe came over and grabbed her by her lower arms leading her into the conservatory to sit down while Piper picked up and put away the groceries. Sage plopped down on her chair while Paige called Chris, who came running down from the attic.

"Hey, you called?" He asked, before noticing Sage sitting in front of Phoebe. "Whoa, what happened?"

Paige huffed, "Same thing that happened to me. That Trok demon decided to roast us like marshmallows."

"No, I meant what were you doing here? Piper said she sent you to get groceries." Chris stated, getting irritated by the second. He seemed to have a very short temper like Piper did- when she wasn't constantly smiling.

"And I did." Sage stated, rolling her shoulder as she pulled her shirt sleeve down just a bit more so it wouldn't rub the wound. "I was walking through the door when I got a fireball thrown at me."

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now