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After cleaning up the mess that the Goddess Paige had made, Sage found herself in the attic searching for answers in the Book of Shadows. She wanted to help the sisters in any way that she could, but her options were slim. Of course, she was used to it. There was just some things that only the Charmed Ones could fix. And she was definitely not a Charmed One; no matter how many times she was dragged into their witchy business.

Most of the time, Sage was used as leverage to the sisters. A demon or warlock would find the Charmed Ones little passive powered friend and used it against them. Or other times, she would simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But over the years, she had grown into a powerful witch. Her spell casting and potion making were top tier. She also had a few offensive abilities that she could use in life threatening circumstances, but she often chose not to use them.

Flipping through the book, Sage could only think to herself that after all the years she should have every word memorized by now. She hadn't even realized that the whitelighter from the future had entered the attic until he had asked her what she was doing. She didn't even look up at him as she answered him. "I'm trying to find a way to help the sisters with the Titans."

"You can't." Chris scoffed, closing the book in front of her. She gave him a frown as she narrowed her eyes at him. "The only way to defeat the Titans is by the powers that Leo gave them. That's it."

He strolled over to the couch and took a seat while Sage leaned on the bookstand. "Okay, so why didn't Leo give me the powers to help too? He's known me long enough to know that I would've wanted to help."

"Because of your powers." Chris answered leaning his elbows on his knees as he spoke to the girl. His voice melodic as he softened his gaze at her. "Your empathic abilities would have made you more vulnerable to the magic of the gods. You would've been at the mercy of your own desires."

Sage huffed, biting her lip in frustration. Once again her stupid powers were the reason she had to sit on the sidelines. "Great." She took a deep breath to control her emotions. "Well, I guess if I can't help then I can at least go check on Wyatt."

"The elf nanny is watching over him. He's fine." Chris stated sharply, standing from his spot on the couch.

Sage could feel his inner panic and irritation causing her to roll her eyes as she turned to look at the man. "Okay, so first I can't help the sisters, and now you don't want me to check on the baby? What am I allowed to do then, oh wise one from the future?"

"You could stay here where I can keep an eye on you?" He told her, shrugging his shoulders.

Sage let out a breathy laugh at how ridiculous he sounded. "Oh really? Because as it stands, the sisters trust me. You're the one who needs to be watched."

"No, I don't. I'm one of the most trustworthy people you can meet." He smirked at her, earning an eye roll as the woman crossed her arms over her chest.

"See. I'm like a human lie detector. Go ahead. Lie to me again, mister." Sage raised a challenging eyebrow at the man in front of her causing him to lick his teeth in frustration. She smirked knowing that she had him right where she wanted him. "Exactly. So if you don't mind, I'm not going to be bossed around by someone who isn't even born yet."

"Whoa!" Chris held out his arms in front of him in surrender. "Low blow."

Sage shook her head, turning to walk out the door when he called out to her. She huffed as she twirled to face him.

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now