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Sage had done as Chris had told her, first once without argument, and laid down to rest for a while as they waited for the sisters and Leo to return. She had enjoyed the peace and quiet that the manor had to offer when it was empty. Until the silence was shattered by a loud bang downstairs.

Knowing that only Chris should've been with her in the house until the sisters returned, she began to make her way downstairs. She wouldn't know if it were a demon attacking or the others returning unless she did so. As she made it to the top of the staircase, there was a loud, manly grunt before glass shattered loudly. Her feet moved faster than her thoughts as she jumped over steps to enter the conservatory.

"Leo, enough! This hostility is killing me." Phoebe demanded, holding Leo in his gladiator attire back.

As Sage turned the corner, she could see the broken glass on the floor and Chris sitting in the center of it. Getting the idea that Leo had attacked the younger whitelighter, Sage knelt down next to him. She ran a hand over his forehead to use her power. She pinpointed every place that his body hurt, but strangely his heart was more hurt than his body.

"What is wrong with you? You been playing Gladiator too long?" Paige questioned her brother-in-law as Sage helped Chris up from the glass covered ground.

Leo glared at the younger whitelighter in anger. "You didn't tell them did you? Sage, you may want to step away for a moment."

Sage stayed still with her hands wrapped around Chris's arm from where she had helped him up. She gave him a confusion expression as she asked, "Leo, what the hell?"

"Tell us what?" Phoebe intervened, trying to control the rage that she was feeling off of the Elder.

"That he was the last one to see me. Right afterwards I was mysteriously trapped in Valhalla." Leo accused Chris causing Sage to glance at the man next to her.

Chris raised his voice in defense. "Oh, so what, that makes me responsible? Is that what you're saying?"

The girl squeezed the inside of his arm a bit to keep him in line. If he slipped up even slightly then Leo would be able to see right through him more easily than even she could. Chris slacked off, allowing Sage to pull back his anger a bit.

Paige questioned her brother-in-law. "Okay, why would Chris do that?"

"Why else? To get rid of me."

"That doesn't make sense." The redhead told him.

"Doesn't it? He manipulated things so I could become an Elder. Forced me out of the house, didn't he?" Leo remarked, bringing up what had happened a month ago.

"So you could save the world." Chris exclaimed, throwing out his arm that Sage didn't have a grip on.

"Alright, Leo, I know how upset you are. And by know, I mean I literally know. But you're way off base here." Phoebe stated, coming to Chris's defense. "Chris has been the model Whitelighter since you've been gone. He's done nothing but good."

"He's sent us after so many demons, if anything, he's been too good." Paige added to her sister's statement.

"He's the reason we were able to save you." Phoebe finally said. Leo seemed to have calm a bit as he listened to the girls. "And he has taken over being extra protective of Sage the way that you have all along."

"You're welcome." Chris sarcastically remarked.

Leo glared over at the whitelighter. The way that Sage had clung to his side had not passed his attention, but he decided to remain silent on that tidbit of information. He glanced over at the pendants that the sisters wore before asking, "Where'd you get the pendants?"

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now