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One thing that Sage appreciated was that Leo almost always respected her wishes. And that was exactly what he did when she had asked him to give her time before introducing her to her new whitelighter. He had given her a couple of weeks before finally telling her that it couldn't wait any longer.

So now she was sitting in her car in the parking lot of P3 and debating on if she truly wanted to fight with Leo on whether or not she needed a new whitelighter. She sighed, grabbing her car keys and slinging the door open. Not even looking where she had begun walking, she bumped into someone.

Immediately she began spewing out apologies to the person to which she earned a feminine giggle. Sage looked up to see a blonde woman about her age with big, doe eyes. She gave Sage a bright smile as she spoke, "It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I'm supposed to be meeting someone very important here and didn't watch where I was walking."

"Seems like we're having the exact same morning." Sage breathed out a laugh. She held out her hand. "I'm Sage. Not only do I work here, but I also am friends with the owners of the club. Who are you here to meet?"

Sage was curious of the blonde woman. She knew that each of the sisters were busy today. Paige and Phoebe had work while Piper was busy with Wyatt at home.

The blonde woman gave her a nervous smile as she shook her hand. "Um, I'm Natalie. I have a meeting with a man named Leo."

Sage's mouth opened in realization that the woman had to be a witch. She gave her a smile as she pulled her hand away. "Oh, he should be inside. I'm meeting with him, too Come on, I'll show you to him."

Sage led the woman into the club with the blonde nervously rambling to her. Whenever she wasn't looking at her, Sage couldn't help but make a face. This woman really knew how to talk. The moment Sage's eyes landed on Leo and Chris at the bar her mood improved. The younger of the men stood from his seat, not realizing the two women were in the room.

"Leo! Chris!" She called to them, gaining their attention and promptly shushing the blonde behind her.

"Sage." Chris stated, catching sight of her before his eyes fell on the woman behind her.

Sage came over and leaned on the bar next to Leo, who hadn't moved from his seat. He watched as the blonde and Chris smiled at one another before the woman focused her attention on him. "Hi, Leo, sorry I'm late. I met Sage outside and she showed me in."

"That's okay." Leo stated smoothly, shifting his eyes to Sage, who was watching the blonde smile up at her friend. "Thank you, Sage."

"You must be Chris. I'm Natalie." She introduced herself, shaking his hand the way she had done Sage.

Chris turned his head over his shoulder to glance back at Leo without breaking the physical contact with the woman. "Maybe just one more."

"Wait, I'm confused." Sage let out a small laugh as she glanced between the three of them. "One more what?"

"Well, since Chris was so adamant on having another charge other than the sisters. I thought I'd give him just that." Leo explained, turning in his stool to face Sage. "Natalie is his new charge."

Sage furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Wait, so he's allowed to have another charge, why couldn't he have been my whitelighter?"

Leo sighed, "Because- Look, I've already had your new whitelighter assigned, but I wanted the two of you to properly meet before he began guiding you."

"Why is that so important, Leo?" Sage questioned him, leaning further on the counter towards him. "You literally orbed in when I was on the brink of death when I first met you."

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now