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Sage didn't know what to expect when Paige orbed the three of them into the middle of the ocean, but a luscious island paradise wasn't it. Her breath was taken away as the three of them walked down the dirt path in the middle of the island. Birds chirped and green was everywhere that she laid her eyes.

Paige pulled Sage's eyes away from the scenery by speaking. "It's so beautiful here, it's like paradise. But why isn't it on the map?"

"If I had a place like this, I'd make sure no one knew about it." Sage sighed dreamily, touching a flower from one of the trees.

"They obviously don't want anyone to know it exists. Like the island has some sort of magical camouflage or something." Phoebe explained, trying to stay focused.

"That's a hell of a lot of magic." Paige sighed.

"Over there." A man's voice yelled somewhere behind them. The three women looked at one another before ducking into the bushes to hide just in time as three men ran by them.

Sage perked an eyebrow as what seemed to be a samurai ran by. Once they were out sight, Sage was the first one out of the bushes as she watched where the mean had ran off to. "Was that a samurai?"

Paige flicked the girl on the ear as she left the bush. "Focus. That was close, I hope they're not looking for us."

Before Sage could reply with a sarcastic comment, Phoebe pushed her sister to the ground and began choking her. Sage gasped at the woman's actions before trying to pull her off of her sister.

"Are you out of your mind?" Paige choked out as Sage focused on pulling the aggressive emotion out of Phoebe. The woman comes to her senses and gets off of her sister, pulling her to her feet as she coughed. "I know you're upset about the memory spell, but this is ridiculous."

"I'm so sorry. I must have tapped into what they were feeling." Phoebe apologized, glancing to Sage in confusion. "You tapped into my emotions?"

"I absorbed them." Sage explained as she led them down the path in hopes of finding Leo. "If I hadn't, you would have probably killed Paige."


"Okay, well let them kill me, not you. Let's go look for Leo." Paige told her sister, following their friend.

Sage followed the path until she noticed a cave just off the path. She pointed to it before looking at the sisters. "There's a cave. Do you think they could be keeping him there?"

"Only one way to find out." Phoebe told her, taking the lead from her and going into the cave.

Sage's eyes widened at the condition of the cave. It was kind of nice. A battle cage made of bamboo stood in the middle of the room while a set of what almost looked like cavemen thrones sat to the side.

"Anything?" Paige whispered, glancing around the room.

Footsteps sounded in her ears causing Sage to spin to look at the cage. A familiar man ran forward causing a smile to cross her lips as she called out to him. "Leo!"

"Sage, Phoebe, Paige." He sighed in relief as he ran up. The three girls grabbed onto the bars that separated them from their family member. The man ran a hand over the youngest girl's cheek before turning to the older two. "I can't tell you how good it is to see you guys. Hey, you cut your hair."

Phoebe giddily ran a hand over her short hair at the mention of it. "Yeah, yeah, you like it?"

"Hello, people." Paige stated trying to bring Phoebe back to the situation at hand. "What are you doing in here anyway?"

"Somebody put me here, that's what." His eyes darted behind the girls causing Sage to frown. "Watch out!"

Before Sage could turn around fully, the sisters were slung across the room away from her. Leo placed a hand on her wrist to make her stay in her spot. She turned just enough to see Phoebe and Paige trying to fight back against two women, but were losing quickly. "Leo, I have to help them!"

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now