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It didn't take Sage long to find Piper's location. Just thirty minutes of scrying with a Valkyrie pendant and cussing under her breath before the crystal fell on a spot on the map. It landed on a mechanic's shop on the other side of town. Immediately Sage stood from her chair, nearly knocking it over in the process, and began to walk to the door when the thought occurred to her.

By the time she would get to the shop, Piper and the other Valkyries could be gone. She glanced down at the Valkyrie pendant in her hand and bit her lip. She really shouldn't, but then again she needed to get to Piper. Against her better judgement, she placed the pendant around her neck.

Instantly her normal clothes were flashed away and replaced by the skimpy leather outfit that the sisters had worn before. She glanced down at herself, realizing that this may the most skin she has shown in ages. The only time she ever dressed this provocative was when she went to P3 as a guest and not a waitress. She understood now why the sisters hated these costumes so much.

Shaking herself from the thought of her clothes any longer, she waved a hand and opened the portal to the shop. She ran through to find the Valkyries and Piper fighting against the three warriors that had followed the others through the portal before.

A hub cap flew in her direction causing her to duck at the last second. She watched as Piper wrapped a chain around one of the warrior's neck. "Okay, maybe I didn't think that one through."

She felt her outfit for her phone so that she could call the sisters, but groaned when she realized that the pendant must have changed her phone too.

"Sage?" A voice called behind her. She quickly turned to see Phoebe and Paige standing there. Paige raised an eyebrow at the younger girl in confusion. "What the hell are you doing?"

"And what the hell are you wearing?" Phoebe asked, pulling the girl closer to them as they watched the fight.

"I tried to tell everyone the idea that had come to my head before you left, but I was ignored." Sage tried to explain herself. "I thought that if the Valkyries were so dead set on keeping their secret then they would come to the city to cover their tracks. And hopefully they would bring Piper. I was right."

"I'm sorry, honey." Phoebe apologized to the girl, who didn't have the chance to put up an emotional block because of the pendant she was wearing. "We didn't mean to make you feel like you were being ignored."

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why you're dressed like a Valkyrie." Paige stated, gesturing to the outfit.

Sage placed her arms around her to shield any excessive skin. "Not all of us have the ability to orb on a whim, Paige. I used the pendant to get here. I just didn't think it through when it came to what I would do when I got here." Sage remarked, turning to look at the fight going on.

Piper had paused her fight against the warrior once her eyes had caught sight of the three women standing off to the side. She slowly began to walk over. Sage gulped at the threatening look the woman had. She had seen it multiple times, but she had never been on the receiving end.

"Reverse the spell! Reverse the spell!" Phoebe stated, repeatedly slapping her sister's arm to get her to hurry.

"Alright. Uh, Spell was cast, now make it pass, remove it now, don't ask me how." Paige stated, unsure of herself. Sage gave the woman an exasperated look at the spell she had come up with.

"Are you serious right now?" Sage exclaimed to the red head before being launched through the air. She groaned when she hit the chainlink fence behind them before landing on the concrete floor. She turned her head to see Paige was in the same position as she was and glared at her. "I would've done the same thing."

I TOLD YOU SO - CHRIS HALLIWELLWhere stories live. Discover now