Chapter 44

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***One year later

   Lucy came running into the twins rooms, giggling hysterically as Julian chased her. Jacob was typing on his laptop and looked up to see Julian capture her in his arms and swing her around. Lucy was a year and a half old now, and was finally walking good enough that she could provoke Julian into chasing her. She wasn't talking much yet, the occasional"mama" and "daddy". 

"Carefully, Julian." Jacob said chuckling. Julian, now four years old put Lucy down and she scrambled over to Jacob, holding up her arms for him to pick her up and set her on his bed. He rolled his eyes and lifted her up, setting her down on his lap. 

"Do you know where Joey is?" Julian asked. 

"I think he's out training with Wildfire." Jacob said, hoping it would take Julian far away so he could finish his paper. Julian ran out of the room, and Jacob finished, quickly submitting the last assignment of his high school career. He let out a sigh and shut the laptop, gathering Lucy up into his arms. 

"Do you wanna go for a ride, Baby Girl?" He asked. Lucy broke out in a huge grin.

"Yeah!" She cheered. Jacob smiled and placed her on his hip as he stood. He made his way down stairs and as he was walking out the door Alex caught him.

"Where are you two going?" She asked.

"Chevy!" Lucy cheered, trying to urge Jacob to go out the door.

"We're going to go for a quick ride to Brooks." Jacob said, "She's baby sitting the twins today for Gin and Shawn." Alex let out a sigh.

"Fine, but helmets, and don't you dare let go of her." She said, holding up a whisk in a threatening motion. Jacob nodded.

"Yes ma'am, Lucy will wear a helmet." He said. He dashed out the door, hearing her complaints of wanting him to wear one too, but he ignored her. Jacob sat Lucy down on a hay bail and she played with Peaches as he got Chevy ready. He gave her a quick brush down and saddled her up. He then grabbed Lucy's helmet out of the tack room, the child helmet that all the Maxwell kids wore, minus Jacob. He fitted it to her head and clipped it in place, much to her displeasure. 

"Alright Baby Girl. I'm gonna lift you up into the saddle, I want you to hold on right here, nice and tight." He instructed her, patting the horn on the saddle. He lifted her up and set her down in the saddle as she clasped onto the horn. Jacob unclipped Chevy from the cross ties and mounted behind his sister. He took the reins in one hand and wrapped his other arm around her waist. He urged Chevy out of the barn and they waved goodbye to Alex who was watching them from the window. 

       Lucy loved riding on Chevy. She was always playing with her mane and looking around in wonder. She had done this since she could sit up by herself. It was her favorite thing to do, ride with Jacob. She loved riding in general, but especially with Jacob. Jacob mothered her more than Alex herself, and everyone could see his fondness for her. Brook constantly commented about how they never got alone time anymore, Lucy was always present. Jacob knew she loved Lucy as much as he did though. 

    Lucy began to bounce with anticipation as they rose through the Scott's gate. Jacob dismounted and helped Lucy down, telling her to go sit on the porch while he put Chevy in her stall. Several months previous, Wes was joking around about how often Jacob and Chevy came over, and Brooks mom decided it would be a good idea to give Chevy a designated stall. Personally, Jacob was flattered. He felt as though he was truly excepted  to their family when his horse was given her own stall in their barn, right next to Phantom.

    Jacob took her tack off and placed it on the gate, then he gave her some water and grain before making his way back to the house. Lucy was no where in sight, causing Jacob's heart to leap. He scanned the area, not seeing her. He then made his way inside, ready to question Brook as to where his sister had gone, when he saw her sitting at the table with the twins, eating apple sauce.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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