Chapter 6

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David told them to leave their horses at the Johnson's until later that Night when they could pick them back up. As they pulled into the driveway, they could see all the vans and people surrounding the house.

"You seen mad at them." Ginny stated. David gave her a bark of laughter.

"Mad is an understatement. They've been swarming the BLM all day. All the protesters are vicious!" He said nothing after that, he stopped the truck and jumped out, diving into the crowd of reporters surrounding James. James had just wanted to get some fresh air and play with Rocky when they had all arrived.

Jacob was right after David. He grabbed James by the arm and pulled him into the barn, out of the reporters view while David yelled at them all to get lost. James was out of breath and he sat down on a hay bail, holding his head in his hands.

"All their talking! I have a major headache from it all!" He moaned. Jacob pressed his ear up against the barn door to listen to hear what David was saying.

"Do you think the mare should be put to death?" One reporter asked. Jacob could hear David pause for a moment, before saying the unexpected.

"No. She was scared, it's not her fault my son got hurt. James understands also, and we have agreed, that she will be adobted by the Maxwell family. She will be safe here." David said.

He might as well said he killed a puppy, because he got the same reaction. They all started to protest, yelling for him to answer their questions. Some demanded to see James.

"You can only see James if you promise to be quiet. One question at a time." David said. They all fell silent and David asked Jacob to bring James out. They got startled reactions as they saw James and Jacob together. Jacob heard whispers of "Twins! James Maxwell has a twin!" Jacob led James over to David, where they both held onto him. He was feeling weak and just wanted to sleep, but they wouldn't give up.

David insisted that they raise their hands, so he called on a blond reporter in the front.

"James, do you agree with the majority of the west coast population in saying that that beast should be put to death?" She asked. She held her microphone out to him. He rose an eyebrow.

"No, I saw her, she was scared out of her mind. She had just been hit by a car, her partner was dying, there were flashing lights and people talking. She did what any horse under her circumstances would have done. I just happened to be near enough to get a blow." He said. The chatter began again, but David glared at them.

"One at a time, or I'll kick you all out!" He yelled at them. They shut their mouths.

The questions went on and on, most of which we're ones they had already asked Jacob in the Johnson's barn. Some even asked what Jacob and James relation was, which Jacob thought was the dumbest question of them all. Within an hour, James looked pale, and like he was about ready to feint, so David shooed them all away and Jacob and David had to practically carry James up to their room. Once he laid down in his bed, he fell asleep instantly. Alex was standing in the doorway, looking distraught.

"Why can't they just leave him alone. He's been through enough!" She whispered angrily.

It was already dark, so David called up Mister Johnson, telling him that they couldn't get their horses that night, and that they would be over first thing in the morning.


Jacob couldn't sleep that night. He tossed and turned, and he couldn't look at James. He didn't want to see his brother in bandages with a gash on his cheek. Well, at least they'll be able to tell you apart now. Jacob thought bitterly. After a few more minutes or staring at the dark ceiling, He stood up and slipped on his boots. He had been to lazy to change out of his clothes from the night before, so he quietly opened the door and slipped into the hallway. He had never been it without the lights on, so the pictures of the family looked eerie. They had recently taken another family photo that included Jacob and Shawn. It was now framed and was in the hallway. He ran his fingers down the wall so he wouldn't loose his footing and stumble, waking the rest of the family. He went quietly now the stairs and out the front door into the hot Nevada summer air. It was only one thirty in the morning, so the family would start to get up in about four hours. That gave him plenty of time.

Time for what? He asked hhimself. He had yet to figure it out, so he just began to walk. He walked out of the long driveway and onto the road that they shared with three neighbors, though they were atleast a mile away from each other.

He didn't even realize he was header towards the Johnson's until he reached it. The farm yard looked peaceful in the dark, wig everyone asleep. He walked to the barn, surpised to see the lights were on. He slowly lifted the latch and pulled open the door. Brook was sitting on the same hay bail they had sat on the day before, staring at the mustang. She looked over when she heard the door creak closed. He could tell she was tense, but she relaxed once she saw it was him.

"What are you doing here Jacob?" She asked. She shifted over so he could sit next to her. He did so and shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep. Started walking and ended uup here." He said. He than peered curiously at her. "What are you doing here?" He asked. She blushes slightly.

"Having a sleep over with Daniella and Lily." She said. He nodded once and stood, walking over to the mares stall. She was asleep standing up, but favoring hher injured leg. "I heard your step dad on the news. Are you really adobting her?" She stood and came over too him, placing her hands on his arm. He shivered at her touch, and nodded.

"Yeah. David sat down wig the family after he said that to everyone. He and James had already discussed it. He wasn't going to tell anyone till he got the family's opinion, but it seemed the right time. We all agreed anyway." He said. She smiled a bit.

"Good. She deserves a second chance." She said. "So what's her name?"

"Jewel wants Brownie, but mom says that's not creative. They said I get to choose her name." he said. She looked at him questioningly.

"So what is it?" She asked. He shrugged.

"That's one of the reasons I can't sleep. Keep thinking of names, but they don't fit her." He said. She nudged him with her shoulder.

"Need help?" she asked. He nodded.

"I'm not exactly experienced in naming horses." He said. She stroked her chin to tease him.

"Well, with most horses, their names have meanings or connect to the horses personality or look. For example, Ginnys horse is named Gold Dust, and she is the color of gold, that's an example of appearance. My Mama's horse is names Gosling, because when he was a colt, He used to follow around the mama goose on our ranch and her goslings. Your step fathers horse is named Timber, because he was a horse that helped with log cutting in Canada before he had an accident that would have crippled him had David not been

there." She said. He nodded a bit. Many names were racing through his head, but none stuck out to him. Than it hit him.

"Chevrolet." He said simply. Brook rose an eyebrow.

"As in the car? Why?" She asked. Jacob smiled a bit.

"She was hit by a Chevy. we'll call her Chevy for short." He said. She thought for a bit before nodding.

"I like it." She said.

"I'd better get back home. See you later, Brook." He said. She nodded once. She stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek lightly before blushing running out of the barn. Jacob smiled bit. He turned back to Chevy.

"Good night, Chevy." He whispered to her. He then left.


HEY!!! so those of you who don't know who Brian Kelley is from FGL, he's on the side. I have him playing David in this book!


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