Chapter 36

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Jewel got the 'talk' from Alex and David when she got home. Alex iced her ankle and wrapped it in vet wrap before they sent her outside to do her chores. The next Monday was tryouts. Jacob could hardly contain his excitement as he and James walked up to the football field. There were a lot of freshmen and sophomores trying out for Quarterback. A lot of the sienors and juniors had decided that it was a waste of time trying out for Quarterback since most of the time, the coach picked someone off the team. The coach put Jacob and the others through a series of obsticals and Jacob was a head of them all, leaving them in the dust. James and the other members of the football team and made bets around who would be the new quarterback, and when coach approached Jacob afterwards telling him he made the team, he glanced up to see most of the team passing his twin money. Jacob rolled his eyes and thanked the coach.

Alex was very haply to hear Jacob had made the team. Practice would begin the next day.


"What?" Jacob smirked as Chevy snorted when he came into the barn. She gave him the 'look'. He smiled and kissed her nose before grabbing her halter and leading her out of her stall, hooking her up to the crossties. He brushed and hoof picked her before putting her tack on. She played with the bit in her mouth for a little bit while he mounted her. She tossed her head a bit and he urged her into a walk. He alerted His mother where he was going and proceeded down the road until he finally reached Brooks house. She was ready with Phantom. the two of them road west until they thought it was getting late.

"How was tryouts?" She asked him as they headed back to his house.

"Good. I made the team." He said. She smiled.

"I knew you would." She said. They were just passing the driveway to the Johnson's when Daniella came running out, stopping them in their paths.

"You have to come quick!" She said. She said nothing else, just raced back to the house. Brook and Jacob asked no questions, just followed her. Jacob and Brook dismounted their horses and led them into the barn. They put them in two stalls and closed them.

"What is it she wants?" Jacob asked Brook. She was about to respond when they both heard a scream of pain erupted from the house. They gave each other worried looks before running to the house. Daniella took their hands and led them up stairs, where Jacob said his sister lying on her bed, clutching at her pregnant belly in pain. Shawn looked terrified as he dabbed her forehead with a damp cloth.

"Is she in Labor?" Brook asked. Mrs. Johnson entered the room.

"No. She's to early for that. Some thing is deffinently wrong though." She said.

"Well we need to get her to the hospital then!" Jacob said. Ginny let out another moan and tears were streaming down her face. Mr. Johnson came into the room.

"I just called 911. An ambulence will be here as fast as they can get here." He said.

"Jacob. Call you're parents." Mrs. Johnson said. Jacob nodded and fished his phone out of his pocket, hitting speed dial for his mother. Alex picked up and he explained that something was wrong with Ginny. She promised to be over there in less the five minutes and they ended the call.

Alex and David arrived several minutes later with Lucy. Alex pushed past them all and held Ginny's hand. David handed Lucy off to Jacob and joined his wife and step daughter. Ten minutes later, the paramedics arrived. They carried her outside and strapped her too a gurney before putting her in the ambulence.

"Only one family member can ride with her." The paramedic said. They all turned to Shawn, and he was more then willing to take the offer. He climbed into the ambulence and took Ginnys hand. They shut the doors and drove off.

"Mr and Mrs. Johnson will drive with us to the hospital. Daniella, you're going to stay at our house tonight." David said. Daniella nodded, taking in a deep breath and holding a hand to her forehead. "Jacob, take Lucy back home. Brook, if you ask your parents, your welcome to stay at out house as well." David said. They all nodded. Daniellas parents and Jacobs climbed into their truck and drove off in the dust of the ambulence. Jacob and the girls watched as they left, and said nothing for the longest time.

"Um...I'll ride Phantom back to my place and lead Chevy. I'll tell my parents what's going on and ride Chevy back to your place." Brook suggested. Jacob and Daniella could only nod in response. Brook mounted Phantom and took Chevys reins.

"I'll meet you back at your place." She said before riding off. Jacob climbed into the drivers seat of Davids truck and Daniella climbed into the passenger side. He passed Lucy off to Daniella and drove back to his house.

"What is wrong with our family?" James asked as he laid down across his bed. Daniella, Lily, Brook and Jacob shrugged. Lily was called up and they explained the situation.

"I just hope she'll be okay." Daniella said.

"Her and the twins." Lily said. Lucy let out a squeal as Mil walked through the door, her eyes filled with tears. She smiled sadly at Lucy and picked her up.

"I called Peter. He talked to his professors and he's coming home tomorrow." Mil said.

"I guess that's some good news." Jacob mumbles. Within another two minutes, All of Jacobs siblings including Julian and Lucy were in the twins rooms, staring at the phone, as if willing it to ring, thought they were all scared of the answer. Five minutes later, it rang, and the twins and Mil dashed to it, fighting with each other to reach it first. Mil won and answered it, holding it to her ear.

"Hello?" She asked. She nodded a bit and paused, listening to the speaker. Her face went pale and Jacob snatched the phone from her and put it on speaker.

"Mil? Are you still there?" Davids voice called.

"Is Gin alright?" James asked their step father.

"They said that she had a gallbladder attack. It was so bad they had to take it out. She's not doing so good now, they might have to do an emergency c-section on her if anything looks wrong."David said. His voice was shaking and the whole room was quiet except for Lucy's occasional babble.

"The twins are to young to be born." Daniella said.

"Yes, but they'll live. They'll be in the NICU for a long time." David said. They all paused when they heard some yelling in the background.

"I got to go." David said. He then ended the call. Jacob stared at the phone in his hands in horror.

"Was that Ginny screaming?" James asked. Jacob nodded and they all waited again for David to call them back. An hour later, The phone heeled signaling Jacob had a text message. He opened it up everyone crowded around him as a picture of two tiny pink babies popped up on the screen, one wearing a blue hat, the other wearing a pink. The text said, Meet Charlotte and Anthony.


Hey Y'all!!! Sorry it's been forever! This was kind of a dramatic chapter, I know. Hope you liked it though! The picture on the side is what the twins look like, or at least what I expect them to look like.


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