Chapter 42

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The light was on in the window as Brook and Jacob pulled up to Ginny's house. The snow had begun to fall only ten minutes before, and the ground was already covered in four inches. The two of them ran out of the car and into the house, where Ginny was thankfully waiting for them with mugs of hot chocolate. The three of them then snuggled down next to the heater.

"Where's Shawn?" Brook asked.

"The hospital was having black outs. He got permission to stay, but told me to go home and rest." She said. Jacob nodded in agreement.

"You need it Gin." He said. She glared at him.

"Why did he get to stay? They have the generators on, so the twins incubators will be alright. But they asked Shawn to stay, not me." She pouted.

"Because they know you need rest, Gin." Brook said standing. "Come on, let's get you to bed." Ginny grudgingly stood and followed Brook to her bedroom. Brook returned a few minutes later telling Jacob Ginny was out cold.

"She's exhausted. Once we got in there she sobbed for a good two minutes about how she want's the twins to be out of the hospital by thanksgiving but she know they won't be."

"Aw, poor Gin." He said. Brook sat down next to him and leaned her head against his chest.

"They'll be out in no time." She mumbled.

"Go to sleep, Brook." Jacob whispered. He kissed her forehead and laid down, pulling her down with him so she was half on top of him.

"Thanks for tonight, Jake. It was great." She murmured sleepily. He smiled and kissed her lightly.

"Goodnight, Brook."


By morning, the snow had stopped and the roads were opened again. Ginny was up bright an early. She woke up Brook and Jacob and threw them bananas for breakfast. Not even speaking to them, she pulled them to her car. It was a short drive, barely five minutes till they reached the hospital.

"Gin, is something wrong with the twins?" Brook asked warily. She shook her head, much to their relief.

"I thought that since you can't go home till the roads clear up more, you might as well see your niece and nephew." She explained to Jacob.

"The roads are open, Ginny." Brook mentioned.

"Yes, but your parents called this morning and told me they don't want you two driving until the roads are safe. And I can't drive you home. So to the NICU we go!" She said smiling. The elevator ride up to the third floor was awkward due to an old women in a wheelchair eyeing Jacob, and her transportation nurse, who was a man, was eyeing both Brook and Ginny. Jacob glared at him and gripped Brooks hand tightly. The nurse smiled at Ginny and glanced quickly at Jacob before turning back to Ginny.

"Can I have your number?" He asked. Straightforward much?

"Whoa, Whoa buddy. Know your boundaries?" Jacob cut in. He took Ginny's left hand, waving it in his face so he could see her wedding ring clearly. Ginny yanked back her hand and shoved Jacob.

"Sorry about my little brother. And sorry, I'm married." She explained, much kinder then Jacob had, and not including waving her hand in his face. He looked pretty disappointed, and the old women reached up and patted his hand that was on her wheelchair. The elevator dinged and they stepped off.

"Well that was awkward." Ginny said.

"What? First time being hit on since you got married?" Jacob Asked.

"Well since I was kinda very pregnant ever since my wedding night, people kinda knew I was taken." She said. Jacob scrunched his face up in disgust.

"I didn't need to know that." He said. Brook chuckled and took his hand, pulling him towards the room the twins were in. Shawn greeted them as they walked in. He was holding Charlotte, rocking her back and forth. Ginny went straight to Anthony's incubator and cradled him in her arms. They were allowed to hold them for a little while everyday, to stimulate them. They couldn't be out for to long though or their temperatures would drop.

"How is my beautiful niece this morning?" Jacob said taking Charlotte out of Shawn's arms. "Good morning, Charlie." He cooed.

"Don't call her that, Jake. That's an awful name." Ginny scoffed.

"It's either Charlie or Lottie, which one?" Ginny glared at him.

"Charlie." She said bitterly. "Maybe I should have let you drive home today." Jacob simply grinned and kissed his nieces forehead.


Two or three more chapters. I know I've been saying that. But it's now for sure! By the way, I'm now re writing this book. It's just Becoming Cowboy Rewritten. It'll be different then this one, because I plan on elaborating more on Jacob's Florida life. I'll probably have the first chapter up after writing this chapter. You can find it on my profile page. Please comment and vote!


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