Chapter 33

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Brook laid on her bed, staring up at the ceiling and feeling miserable. How could he do this to her?!? But then again, he and Sara and history. She let out a groan and she sat up, wiping away any stray tears as she heard a knock on her door.

"Go away!" Brook said harshly. The door knob turned and Daniella entered. Brook let out a deep sigh and fell back down onto her bed.

"Please leave me alone, Ella, I'm not in the mood." She moaned. Daniella still didn't leave. She stood in the door way, glaring at Brook.

"I just came to tell you you've made a huge mistake." She said. Brook's eyes filled with tears again. She let out a small sob and Daniella rushed to her side and pulled her into a bone crushing embrace.

"Why does it hurt so bad?!?" Brook sobbed. Daniella ran her fingers through her hair.

"Because you love him. You two are meant to be together." Daniella said. Brook took in a deep breath.

"He cheated on me! With Sara!" Daniella nodded.

"But think of it this way, last time we thought he was cheating on you, it wasn't true. This time it may be true, but think for a minute. Both times we thought he was cheating, who gave us our information?" Daniella said. Brook bit her lip.

"Nikki." She said hesitantly. Daniella nodded.

"Exactly. Nikki can't be trusted. Have you even heard Jacob's side of the story?" She asked. Brook shook her head and Daniella gave her a disapproving glare. "I have. I called James last night. Jacob didn't kiss Sara, she kissed him. He pushed her away the second she did too, but someone happened to get a picture." Brook sat up and smoothed back her hair.

"So he didn't cheat on me?" She sniffed. Daniella shook her head.

"No." She said simply. "Now clean yourself up, you're going to meet Jacob at the creek in an hour so you two can sort things out."


Jacob was scared Daniella was wrong when she said she could get Brook too come. He wanted to fix things with Brook, because the night before had been one of the worst night of his life, next to the nights his dad and Hayley died.

Daniella had called at around one that morning, screaming at him through the phone for hurting Brook, and h's couldn't bear it, he broke down crying while James took the phone and explained to Daniella the whole situation. They then made plans on how to fix it, and Daniella was making burial plans for when she killed Nikki and Sara. She sounded so serious when she said it that Jacob thought she was really go through with her plan.

Daniella told them that she would help and said she would get Brook to the creek by eleven that morning. It was now eleven fifteen and Jacob was starting to get worried. Brook arrived at eleven twenty, much to Jacob's delight. She got of her truck looking like she didn't want to be there, but she would listen to him anyway.

"Hey." He said. His voice was tight and he swallowed hard, trying to calm his nerves.

"Hi." She said, barely audible. He let out a deep breath and sat down on the tailgate of the truck he shared with James, gesturing for her to join him. She sat down on the tailgate and swung her legs back and forth, staring at her feet.

"Brook, what I wanted to tell you last night, was that Sara kissed me, but I backed off and it meant nothing to me. I wanted to tell you before you found out some rumour, but it turns out someone beat me to you." He said quickly. She glanced up at him.

"Nikki somehow got a picture of you too. I think one of her followers must have been near." She said. He let out a small groan.

"I'm so sorry, Brook. I didn't want any of this to happen. it was all perfect before Sara showed up, well, we still had to deal with Nikki, but she wasn't a big deal." He let out another sigh."Brook, last night was one of the most miserable nights of life. You gave me the impression that you hated me. That you simply stopped loving me. That I lost you forever." He whispered the last sentence, and she bit her lip, glancing back up to his beautiful brown eyes. She hesitantly took his hand in her own and let out a shuddering sigh.

"You don't need to apoligize Jake. I was the stupid one. I listened to Nikki again. I should have come to you first." She said quietly. He let out a deep breath as if he had been holding it in the whole time, which made Brook smile a bit.

"Are we good?" Jacob asked. She rose an eyebrow and shrugged.

"I don't know. Are we?" She could see the obvious panick in his eyes and she laughed. "I'm kidding Jake!" he closed his eyes for a brief moment, trying to get all the nerves away.

"Brook, you just gave me a heart attack!" He said. She giggled a bit and Jacob got off the tailgate and kneeled down on both knees, taking her hands in his own and resting his chin on her right knee.

"Brook Scott, will you forgive me, and do me the honor of being my girlfriend once again? Where I swear nothing will come between us, and I will love you always?" She smiled and stood, kneeling down in the mud next to him so she was his height before nodding.

"Why yes, Jacob Maxwell. I will be your girlfriend again, and you are forgiven." She said. She slipped her arms around his neck, and his hands found the curves of her waist. He pressed his forehead to hers and they kissed. While their lips were still attached, Jacob reached down to the ground and grabbed a handful of mud, he then held it above Brooks head and let it slip through his fingers and into her hair. She pulled back and gasped, staring at him in horror, and soon her look of surprise turned into one of revenge as she grabbed some mud herself, throwing it at him. The mud ball hit him square in the chest. He laughed and they both began throwing mud at each other. Within five minutes they were rolling around, covered head to toe in mud, and kissing. They rolled around in the mud for a while until they finally both fell asleep in the in each others arms.


By the time Jacob drove back up into the driveway of their house, it was almost seven at night. He and Brook had woken up only ten minutes before, and they were crusted with dried mud. He kissed her goodbye and they both drove home.

"What happened to you?!?" He heard Mil ask as he ran up the stairs to his room. His sister was standing on the top step, staring at him in horror. He bit his lip and gave her a guilty smile.

"Nothing. Just Brook and I had a little fight." He said. her eyes got wider, if possible. She folded her arms.

"Jacob! If yyou hurt her you will pay!" She said. He laughed as he reached her and kissed her cheek.

"Relax. Mud fight. Playful." He then ran into his room and showered,slipping into some new clothes. Once he was all cleaned up, he smiled and laid down on his bed. Brook had forgiven him, and he hadn't felt happier in his life.


HEY Y'ALL, so the picture on the side is of Olivia Holt, who plays Daniella Johnson in this book. I imagine Daniella as the most mature out of the entire group, like the twins finds ways to get into trouble all the time, Brook and Lily are in relationships that sometimes can get out of hand, and Mil is still only fourteen. So she's the kind hearted one that always has their back, which is what I love about her in this chapter, since she helps Brook and Jacob get back together after miss communication.


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