Chapter 2

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Jacob woke suddenly with a start at the cry of a rooster. He sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, suddenly remembering where he was. He was on a ranch in Nevada. He was no where near Florida. He looked to his left, shocked once more to see a mirror image of him getting dressed.

"Morning." James yawned as he pulled on his cowboy boots. Jacob said nothing, just looked out the window to see that the sun was not even up yet.

"It's not even light enough outside to call it morning." Jacob moaned. He than buried himself back under his blankets.

"So you're not a morning person...I'll keep that in mind." James chuckled. "It's only five AM, Jake. Come on, Mom's got breakfast waiting."

The two of them trudged down the stairs into a kitchen that welcomed them with the aroma of pancakes.

"And they are alive!" Peter teased. James glared at him and the twins took their places at the table. At the end of breakfast they all rushed outside, ready for the new day. Jacob was excited to get to work on the ranch. He hadn't realized he felt that way until they were running out the door.

"Come on Jacob!" Jewel, his half sister said pulling him towards the barn. The first thing they set him out to do was brush out the horses. Jewel handled some of them, becauce a few, like James' horse Mist, didn't trust Jacob fully. As he was grooming the horses, he watched as Peter and James stacked bales of hay on top of one another on the east side of the barn. They lifted them with ease, though sweat glistened on their faces. It seemed as if everyone on the ranch was working. Well, except Julian. This was totally new to Jacob. He had never done a lot of work in his life. Yeah, there was P.E. in school, and he occasionally had chores, but he always blew them off. Even brushing off a couple of horses felt like a work out.

Jewel came over to check on him, seeing that he was holding the brush wrong and the horse, Ginny's horse named Gold Dust, was starting to get figgety, She took over. Jacob had nothing else left to do really, So he walked over to where his brothers were stacking the last few bales of hay. Peter let James get the last bale while he jumped down and laid an arm across Jacobs shoulders.

"What's up little brother?" He asked smiling. Jacob shrugged.

"Just a lot to take in." He admitted. Peter smiled again.

"You're here for three months, Jacob, you'll get the hang of it." With that being said, he head into the house.

"I hope you're right." Jacob whispered.


Jewel took Jacobs hand and led him over to a small pen. Jacob didn't know what was in it until a small moo erupted from behind the three sided shelter as a small weak looking baby cow stumbled out.

"This is Rocky." She said. She held her hand out to the baby and he sniffed her hand before wrapping his gray tongue around her wrist. She smiled and brushed his saliva off on her shirt, nonchalantly.

"Why is he here?" Jacob asked. He was the only cow in the barn. The barn was for the horses only, and yet the baby was still in this pen.

"Rockys mom was a first timer. She was too young, and didn't care for him when he was born. So we have to bottle feed him since her milk dried up." Jewel explained. Jacob nodded his understanding. Jewel than handed him a large glass bottle with a rubber nipple the size of his index finger. It was full to the brim with yellowish liquid that resembled milk.

"This is Rockys formula. Mama says you're responsible for feeding him until he's on hay." She than taught him how to hold the oversized bottle at an angle so Rocky wouldn't choke on the milk. The calf was quite vigorous for his fragile build. Jewel then taught him how to fill Rockys bucket of water and how to change his bedding each day.

"So what is Rocky for?" Jacob asked. He regretted asking when Jewel gave him a guilty smile.

"Burger's gotta come from somewhere."


Though he felt the urge to become a vegetarian after Jewel told him the fate of little Rocky, Jacob couldn't resist the smell of the beef burger's that night. The day had been exhausting, so the meal settled it all before they cleaned up and headed to bed, just to repeat everything the next morning. Along with caring for the calf, He had the responsibility of feeding and watering the hens in the morning, and picking any ripe tomatoes in the garden. He soon realized that his mother was giving him the easy jobs. He could see that even Jewel, his youngest sister was working harder than him each day. By the time he had been there a week, he went to his mother and step father and asked for a harder job. He instantly regretted doing so. She set him out to helping Peter and James stack the hay bales that came in weekly. He tried to lift the first bale by the strings, but he soon realized it would be harder than his brothers made it out to be.

"They are a hundred and fifty pounds, Jake, maybe you better let me and Pete handle them." James said with sympathy in his voice as he watched his twin struggle. Jacob glared at him. He said nothing. He managed to lift three bales before collapsing in the grass, watching his brothers finish the rest of the fifty bales.

"Last time I question why mom gives me the jobs she does." Jacob muttered as they walked back to the house. His brothers could only grin. James slapped him on his back and smiled.

"Come on, let's go riding." He said. He led Jacob over to the stalls where he led his silver mare, Mist out of her stall and tied her up in the cross ties. He had Jacob brush her out. Than he taught him how to saddle her up. Once all of her tack was placed properly, James led her into the round corral and pulled the mounting block up to her left side, gesturing for Jacob to mount her.

"Just be careful not to kick her in her flank." He said. Jacob had no idea what that meant, So he just planned on not kicking the horse anywhere. He placed his left foot in the stirrup and pushed off, swinging his right leg over her back and landing hard in the saddle. Mist tensed up, not liking his mounting. James handed his brother the reins and taught him how to hold them. He then gave her a gentle tap with his heels to get her going. She lazily began to walk around the perimeter of the corral. James stood in the middle of the corral and gave Jacob simple directions on which way to turn her and how to stop her. By the end, Jacob was feeling quite confident in his newly found skill, though Jame said he had a long way to go.

That evening, James took Jacob down to the creek that was a mile from the farm house. They played in the water for a little while before they sat on the bank, watching the sun set.

"What's Florida like?" James asked. Jacob tensed up slightly.

"Humid, hot, loud." He said bitterly. James rose his eyebrows.

"Sounds like you're not to fond of it." He said. Jacob nodded admittedly.

"Dad is there too. I don't think I want to go back." He said. James smiled a bit.

"Well, if you ask mom, I'm sure she'll be happy to let you stay." He said. Jacob smiled and laid back in the tall grass.

"That'd be awesome."


HEY Y'ALL, thanks for trying out my book! I hope you like it so far! So the picture on the side is a picture of Rocky, Be sure to check it out because he's a cutie! LOVE YA!


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