Chapter 9

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Jewel squealed in delight as she saw the decorations and all her friends and family were gathered there. Alex hugged Jewel tightly and she hugged each one of her siblings and friends. Even their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents were there. Their oldest cousin was Peters age, Eighteen. His name was Chase, and his father was Alex's twin brother. Jacob learned all the names of his cousins and other relatives. Jacob was amazed to learn that his mother was a twin also. His grandparents stayed close to Jacob, asking him about his life and he was able to ask questions about his family.

   Jewel wanted to open her presents, So Alex told Jacob and Brook to go get the kitten. They ran into the house and into Jacobs parents bathroom. The kitten let out a small meow when he saw them. Brook held the kitten as Jacob tied a small bow around his neck and then they put him into a box and wrapped it. Jacob picked up the box and they rran quickly back to the barn. Jewel had just finished unwrapping what she thought was her last present.

"Jewel, here's the last one." Alex said taking the bbox from Jacob and putting it into her youngest daughters arms. Jewel smiled and ripped the wrapping open, than opened up the box. She stared into the box for several moments without saying a word. They couldn't read her face until she looked up and they saw tears in her eyes.

"What is it?" Chase, their cousin asked. Jewel reached into the box and pulled out the kitten. She smiled so wide they could see all of her teeth. She hugged the kitten so tightly they thought it was suffocating. She kissed it on his head and smiled again. She was crying with joy.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!" She screamed so fast Jacob barely could hear what she said. Now everyone was crowded around her to see the kitten.

"What's his name?"Their uncle Will asked.

"Peaches." Jewel said. Brook nudged him in the ribs.

"Garfield? Well I guess you were wrong." She said smiling. he smiled and rolled his eyes.

   Alex came over to Jacob with Julian in her arms, struggling to escape their mothers grip.

"Jake, the phone is ringing, can you pleas go get it?" She asked. He nodded and He and Brook ran to the house. The home phone was ringing on the kitchen table! so he picked it up and answered it.

"Hello?"He asked.

"Hi, This is Collin, can I speak to Alex?" He asked. Jacob froze as he heard his fathers voice.

"Dad?" He asked. There was a slight pause on the other line.

"Jake? Is that you?" He asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" He asked. Jacob bit his lip. He had been so busy at his mothers that he had barely touched his cell phone.

"uh...It's dead. I left my charger in Florida."He lied. His dad let out a deep sigh.

"Can I speak to your mother?" He asked.

"No. she's busy." He said. Jacob's Father let out a deep.

"Okay, well tell her to call me back. We need to set a date for you to come back home." He said. Jacob didn't respond. "Jake?" He asked.

"Dad, I don't want to go back to Florida." He said. Now it was his fathers turn to be silent.

"Jacob, this isn't a game, you're coming back home. You need to meet your new sister, Lucy. She's your first little siblings!" He said. Jacob growled under his breath.

"Dad, you don't even know how many siblings I have? I have four little siblings here!" Jacob said. Collin was silent for a long time.

"Jacob, I need to speak with your mother." He said.

"No! Just stay away, I'm not coming home!" With that he hung up. Brook bit her lip and rose an eyebrow.

"That didn't sound like it went to well." She said. He shook his head.

"It's my dad. He wants me to come back home." He said. Brook said nothing. the two of them walked silently back to the barn, where music had started and people were line dancing. Jewel was holding onto her kitten tightly as she danced. Alex came over to Jacob as he entered the barn. She had given Julian off to Ginny and Shawn.

"Who was it?" She asked.

"Dad." He said dully. Alex's eyes widened.

"What did he want?" She asked slowly.

"for you to call him back and set a date for me to come back home. But don't worry, I already told him I never wanted to see him again, and hung up." He said casually. Alex went very pale.

"Brook, can you please excuse us?"Alex asked. Brook nodded.

"Yes, Miss Maxwell." She said before leaving. Alex pulled Jacob into the tack room, where they kept the saddles and blankets. She shut the door and turned on the light.

"Jacob..." She began, but she looked into his eyes and let out a shuddering sigh. Jacob hugged his mother tightly.

"I don't want to leave, Mom." He said. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him on his forehead.

"I know, Baby." She whispered. "But your father is not one to back down."

"Why did you leave me there with him? Why did you leave me and take all my siblings?" He wad crying now and tears were forming in her eyes.

"I didn't want to, Jake. But he refused to sign the divorce papers unless he got to keep you. He wanted to keep you and James, but I was not going to leave both of you. James was sickly at the time. He lived in the NICU in the hospital for the first three months of his life, and you were strong. Jacob, I fought long and hard to try and keep you, we even brought it into the court, but he won." She said sadly. His grip on her tightened.

"Don't I have a say in what happens with my life?" He asked, his voice was quivering.

"You Have to convince your dad."


Hey! The picture on the side is of Mackenzie Foy, Who I've chosen to play Jewel.


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