Chapter 7

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By the time Jacob reached the ranch again, it was three thirty. He had been gone for two hours. He now felt extremely tired, and was irritated he had to get up in an hour and a half. He went quietly too his room and took off his boots, lying down on his bed. He was almost asleep when he heard James speak.

"Where did you go?" He whispered.

"Johnson's. I couldn't sleep so I took a walk." He said.

"Have you figured out a name for our wild friend" He asked.

"Yeah. Chevy." He said simply. James said nothing for a moment.

"As in the car that hit her?" He asked. Jacob laughed a bit.


   An hour and a half later, Jacob moaned as David knocked on their door.

"Come on Jake. we gotta get stuff done before we go get the horses." He said. Jacob didn't have enough energy to argue, so he pulled on a fresh shirt and semi fresh jeans, then his boots. This morning was a 'Fend for yourself' Day, where they had to make their own breakfast. Alex had been up late the night before caring for Julian, the baby, and since it was Davids day off, she let him get the kids ready for the day. As they sat at the table with their various options of breakfast, They all turned to Jacob.

"Have you thought up a name yet?" Jewel asked. He nodded and took a bite of his lucky charms.

"Chevy." He said. Some of his siblings asked why, but David nodded his approval.

"A name with meaning. The kind of car that hit her. I like it." He said.

"We're just lucky she wasn't hit by a Ford." Peter mumbled. Ginny laughed at his comment but David glared at him.

"Peter, We'be told you before, there is nothing wrong with Fords." He said.

"I can think of a problem." Mil said grinning. "It's a Ford." Those who laughed earned another glare from David.

"Finish up your breakfast and go do your chores." He said, but Jacob could hear a hint of amusement in his voice.

    By the time it was eight, they had all piled up into Davids truck and the SUV that Peter would drive. Before they left, David hooked up the horse trailer to the back or his truck and they headed out to the Johnson's. By the time they got there, their horses were standing tied up in cross ties in the front yard. half of them were saddled, while the other half were being saddled by Brook, Daniella, Lily and Shawn. When Ginny saw Shawn, she kissed him and helped him saddle up Gold Dust. Indian Feather and Coal were already saddled, so Peter and Mil talked to Daniella and Lily. Jacob ran his hand over Mist's neck and smiled at Brook as she brushed Mist across her back.

"Hey." She said as she blushed fiercely, staring at the horses back, hoping Jacob wouldn't notice. He did in fact notice, but didn't bring it up since he thought she was very cute when she blushed.

"Hey." He replied. She finished brushing her up and placed the saddle blanket across her back. Jacob grabbed the saddle and set it on her back, then cinched her up. To finish it all, Brook out on Mist's bridle. the mare played with it in her mouth for a minute, and they listened to the creaking it made.

"So..." Jacob began, but he was cut off by a loud neigh and a loud bang as Chevy kicked the stall wall again.

"She misses you." Brook said smiling. Jacob handed Mist's reins off to Lily and he and Brook ran to the barn. The second Chevy caught sight of Jacob she stopped and came to the bars to sniff him.

"I want her outta here, David!" They heard a loud voice shout. They came around the corner and saw Mister Johnson yelling at David. "She's damaging my stall and is making my horses act crazy!" He yelled.

"I understand, Rob. I'll have her outta here by noon, just let me call over some of my coworkers. I can't get her in the trailer by my self, and I don't want the kids anywhere near her." David said. Mister Johnson nodded once, his face red with rage. He then left. Jacob turned around and grabbed a black lead rope. luckily for him, Chevy already had a halter on her. Jacob slowly opened her stall and slipped inside.

"Jacob! What are you doing?!? You'll get yourself killed!" Brook whispered harshly. Jacob ignored her and smiled as Chevy stepped towards him and rubbed her nose against his cheek. He clipped the lead rope onto her halter and she tensed up a bit, but made no drastic moves like she had two days before. He gestured for Brook to open the stall gate and she did tentatively. He led Chevy out of the stall and through the barn into the open trailer. He kissed her on her nose and left her in there, shutting the door behind him. He latched it and smiled at Brook, who was pale, but looked amazed.

"Jacob! You could've gotten in so much trouble!" She glared at Him and he laughed. He kissed her on her cheek and smiled as she blushed deeply.

"Where's the mare?" David asked horrified. He ran out of the barn  to where they were all talking and petting their horses.

"She's missing?" Peter asked going pale.

"She's not missing, she's in the trailer." Jacob said. He was already prepared for David to yell at him, but he was suprised it never came.

"You got her into the trailer by your self?" He asked. Jacob nodded.

"She's a good horse." He said. David stared at him in amazement before he let out a small chuckle.

"Well, I guess we know who's horse she will be!" He said laughing. Jacob's eyes widened.

"really?!?" He asked. David nodded.

"That's if you want her." He said.

"Yes! Yes!" Jacob said, beaming. David smiled.

"Good, now let's get her home. Jacob, I want you to ride in the truck with me, Daniella has offered to ride Mist home for you." He said. David climbed into the cab of the truck and Brook, Lily, and Jacob hopped into the bed of the truck.

   When they arrived back at the ranch, Alex was waiting for them with Julian balanced on her hip.

"Back so soon?" She asked.

"Jacob here has turned out to be a horse whisperer." David said smiling. Alex rose her eyebrows in questioning, but Jacob had already unlatched the trailer and held out his hand to the mare. Chevy limped quickly over to him and he grabbed her lead rope, leading her into the barn and into an empty stall. Alex only approached with Julian after Chevy was safely behind the bars of her stall. Jacob took off her halter, confindent enough that he would be able to get it back on her in the future and hung it up next to the latch if her stall.

"She's a pretty horse. Needs to be cleaned up a bit, but she'll be as good as new in a few weeks." She said. Jacob stood there next to his mother, beaming at the fact that he now had his own horse.


Hey! The picture on the side is of Chevy! Be sure to check it out!


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