Chapter One

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"Shut up, asswipe,"
"Nobody cares, Mudblood,"
"Fuck off!"
The rude insults were thrown back in forth from my....ex?..bestfriend. "It's your fault Elliot is getting married!" She exclaims. "So?! He wasn't going to marry you anyway." I scoff, still pissed about being called a mudblood-which is low for any American at our school to say. "We were perfect for each other!" Lacey yells. "I never want to see you again!" I scream, then I apparate home.
I land in the living room and storm upstairs, knowing mom isn't home. "What a bitch!" I mutter to myself, as I slam my door closed. "Um, Hello?" A British voice questions, I look up and scream. "What the hell?!" I exclaim, looking at the girl. She looks almost exactly like me, except I don't have frizzy hair. "You are Evangeline, I'm guessing." The girl chuckles. "I go by Eve or Eva." I tell her. "Oh, well I am Hermione." She holds her hand out for me to shake, and I do. "Why are you in my house...why do we look alike?!" The questions blurt out. "This has to be quick so start packing while I explain." Hermione tells me. I gave her a confused look, but she made me feel that if I argued she wouldn't explain anything. As I got packed she talked, "Since You-Know-Who came back, muggles and muggle witches like us are being hunted out by death eaters and I needed to leave my home. I obliviated my-our-parents and as I was getting ready to leave I found our birth certificates. I went to my best friends house, the Burrow and they helped me track you down-which was really hard since you werent in Britain. When I found you I saw you this morning and put on the same outfit, then yeah..." She says quickly. I looked at our outfits seeing how similar we do look. I was already finished packing since I used my wand. "We aren't supposed to use magic outside of school." Hermione said after that story. "I have a different ministry..and wow." I mutter. I stand there for a second, "What about my mom?" I ask. "She is laying down, I pretended to be you for an hour and when she went to take a nap I Obliviated her.." she says hesitantly. "So we are leaving?" I ask, sadly. "Yes." She whispered. I wiped a tear that fell, "the last thing I said to her was 'I hate you'...and the last thing I said to my bestfriend was 'I never want to see you again'." I whisper. She puts a hand on my shoulder, and then we are gone. "Where are we?" I whisper, looking around a new livingroom. "This is the burrow, here stay in the livingroom. I will go find everyone." She whispers. I put my trunk down and awkwardly sit on the couch. I hear feet stomping down.the stairs and then Hermione was sitting beside me. "They will be down in a minute. Mrs. Weasley is yelling at Fred and George." Hermione laughs. "Who?" I ask. "They are twins, they work at a joke shop in Diagon Alley-" she starts and I gasp. "I have heard of that! Oh my gosh, they are even famous in America!" I exclaim. "Well you can talk to them after." She mururs. I cross my legs, accidentally at the same time as Hermione. We glance at each other, "Are you copying me?" We ask at the same time. We both raise our right eye brow. "Wicked." We glance up and I see a lot of gingers. "This is Evangeline." I smile innocently, pointing at Hermione. She glares at me, and I thought she was going to correct me. "It's Eve or Eva." She explains. "Well, hello dear, its nice to meet you." A plump lady tells Hermione. I smirk and look around, seeing two identical guys staring at us strangely. I wink at them and turn back to her. "Im Mrs. Weasley, you can call me Molly." The plump woman tells Hermione. "I know." Hermione tells her, "Oh has Hermione already told you?" Molly asks. "No, I am Hermione." She giggles softly. "Oh! My you two had me." She says and turns to me. "Are you really Eve or..." she trails off. "She is." One of the identical twins says. "Well, you can get to know everyone." Molly says before going to the kitchen. I instantly get up and go to the twins. "Hello, I love your shop. I here about it all the time in America and it would be a great hit if you made one there." I say instantly. "Thanks. This is George and I'm Fred." Fred pipes up. I shake George's hand, then Fred's. "Are you still working?" I question. "Yes, we are all trying to stay low but we are so popular." Fred shrugs and George starts talking to one of his siblings. "I can give you a tour sometime." Fred smirks. "It's a date." I wink and walk over to Hermione. "Hey, this is Ron and Harry." Hermione tells me. "Hi!" I smile. They smile, "Were you flirting with Fred...or was it George?" Hermione questions. "It was Fred." I smile and snicker when Ron gags. "What?" I ask. "Hermione is the brightest witch at Hogwarts and you are here flirting with my troublemaking brother." Ron explains. "I was top of all my classes and higher than the seventh years in my classes." I explain. "Ooooh smarty pants." George exclaims. "Do you study?" Harry asks. "Ew, no." I gag. "It is all natural." I smirk before looking at everyone staring, "I was the trouble maker at my school, I usually skipped classes but teachers liked me because of my grades." I explain. "Wow, you are like a cool Hermione." Ron jokes and we both slap him. "They have the same glare!" George exclaims. "Sorry I'm late. I'm Ginny." A pretty ginger girl says, coming down the stairs and looking at me. "I'm Eva." I smile and shake her hand.

Update: I have a sequel posted and so far I think it is better than the first book. XD oops.

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