chapter fourteen

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Georges pov

Fred paced back and forth. "I cant believe you mom! I cant believe you!" He growls once again. "I need to go look for her!" Fred exclaims. "No!" I say instantly and he turns to me. "You know where she is." He states. Everyone was staring at me, Hermione was so scared she was shaking. "Um..n-no. Like I said I didn't see her." I explain, scratching my neck. "You are lying!" Fred screams coming closer to me. He was crying at this point, and I have barely seen my twin brother cry. "The ring was a promise ring." He cries, coming closer and burying his head into my shoulder. "Why did you have to overreact?" I question mom. She was crying as well, I knew she didnt mean it but she went to far. "You did it to Angelina too! Why can't you let us be happy?" I ask her. "Please, tell me where she is." Fred begs. "If I tell you, you can't go after her. She is really upset." I say slowly. "Okay, okay!" He says quickly. "She is with Angelina. She wanted to go. Angelina is watching her and she is safe." I say slowly. Fred sighs, "I can't go there?" He asks. "No." I mumble, feeling bad for him. "This is the worst Christmas ever, thanks mom!" He screams, at the same time dad came in. Fred storms upstairs and when Dad asks Mom what happened fresh tears fell from her face. I followed Fred upstairs and saw him curled into his bed. "She isnt going to sleep." Fred groans. He stares at me for a second before getting up and getting a piece of parchment and a quill. "What are you doing?" I question, quickly sitting up. "I'm trying to win her back!" Fred growls. I sit back, pondering if I should tell him to stop or not. "I can't take this! I want to see her so bad." Fred looked so stressed that I finally decided owling her couldn't hurt. "Let me read the letter." I tell him. "No. This is personal." he says, giving me a soft look. I didn't understand how whipped he was for her until this moment and I fully understand, so I let him be and fell asleep.

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