chapter eighteen

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I woke up groggily, pain was everywhere and I realized my worst nightmare was coming true. I was captured by a death eater. The only difference is I never thought it would be my childhood best friend. "You whore!" She hisses, standing above my tied naked body with a knife in her hand. "Me?!" I exclaim, but quickly shut my mouth as she brings the knife toward my arm. "You never knew, so stupid. Right under your nose." Her eyes were wide, a huge mad smirk acoss her face as she waves the knife under my nose. "H-how long?" I ask. "Since we were fourteen." She shrugs carelessly. It was all coming together. Slowly I knew exactly when she became a Death Eater.

"Lacey!" I exclaim running into her house. I go up to her room ans open the door. She pulls on a hoodie and glares at me, "don't you knock?" She asks. "No, I never knock. Remember?" I laugh. "You should start. We are fourteen now. A girl needs her privacy." She announces, grabbing a hair brush and brushing her hair. "O-okay."

"You were so oblivous during those few years. I almost thought you knew." She laughed. "Why?" I ask softly. "To get rid of people like you!" She screams. Everyone knows Lacey Murell. The Murell family was known for the pure blood...but Lacey always stood up for me throughout most of our childhood. "What happened to you?" I question. She laughs. A mad, psychotic, laugh. My hands were tied behind my back, feet tied together aswell. I take in my surroundings and notice I'm in a basement type area. My wand is sitting on a table at the other side of the room. "Goodnight, Evangeline." Lacey cheered. "What are you talking about?" I trembled. She laughs once more before the knife starts making it's way across my body.


I slam my hands against the ground. "No, no, no!" I scream in rage. "Calm down, Freddie. We will find her." Mum soothes and I push her hand away. "Don't talk to me!" I growl, standing up. I look at the crying little girl, Despina. Eva saved that little girl and now she is gone. A tear fell from my face and I see Ron, Hermione, and Harry walk in together. I go over to them. "Go away." Hermione ordered. "I know you are mad at me, and her....but please. She is gone. We need to find her!" I insist. I furiously wipe the tears away when they snap their heads towards me. "What?" Ron asks. "Her old friend, happened to be a Death eater. They took her." Each word was a stab to my heart. "We don't have time for this!" Harry exclaims, but he wasn't annoyed. "How are we supposed to find the Horcruxes anf get your sister?" Ron asks Hermione. She looks at the ground for a moment before meeting my eyes. "I hate you Fred Weasley," she starts and I nod, knowing for sure she bloody did, "but my sister is madly in love with you. So, I will help you. Ron, Harry, you can join me or not." She declares. I smile and Harry and Ron look at each other. Harry got everyones attention by a loud whistle.

"Everyone, we must find Evangeline Granger."

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