Chapter five

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It became an instant habit to get up early and go to the joke shop. I spent five minutes talking to Molly before leaving. Yesterday I forgot to take a lunch break and I didnt get to eat until I left and ate at the burrow. When I arrived at the joke shop I went straight up to the twins appartment with an air horn. I went in between Fred and Georges room and hit the air horn. "WAKE UP!" I schreech over the noise. They both flung out their beds, in only boxers. George had on unicorn boxers, while Fred's were cats. "Nice boxers, boys." I smirk as they had matching red faces. "Get up! I'm openng the store earlier." I grin and skip out the room. I switched all the lights on and flipped the sign to open, unlocking the doors. Everyone was quiet in diagon alley, but the instant they get into the shop its full of laughter. Little kids smiled at me, teenagers talked to me. I worked the cashier job for awhile until Fred and George came out-not in their boxers. "Babe!" George yells out. A pretty girl turns and smiles as George kisses her softly. "This is Angelina, Angelina this is Evangeline." George introduces me. "Hi." I smile. "I thought you were Hermione." Angelina giggles. "Im her twin." I shrug. "Why would Hermione work at a joke shop?" I question and she laughs. "True." She smiles. "Hey, love." Fred calls from the storage room. "Yes?" I ask, turning. "Help. I forgot my wand." He croaks as he tries to carry a box three times bigger than him. I grab my wand and levitated the box to the counter. He smiles thankfully, "Oh hey Angelina." Fred smiles noticing her. "Hi." She smirks, looking from him to me. Fred casually throws an arm over my shoulder and looked at me. "You got a letter and since you werent here I took it for you." He tells me, handing me a letter.

Dear Eva,

I will try to come in a week.
We are trying to stay low because my job was invaded by death eaters.
I love you.
Love, Elliot.

I didnt bother answering. "I'm going to stock shelves." I tell the twins, they nod and I grab some things from the box and start putting them up. "Fred has a thing for you." Angelinas voice made me jump, "Oh?" I question, even though I kinda figured he did. "Yes, do you like him?" Angelina asks. "Yes." I nod putting everything in my hands up, "I mean, would you date him?" She asks. "Yes, We just met almost a week ago, there isnt any reason to rush anything..but if he asks me on a date I wont say no." I smile. "We could be sisters!" She exclaims giddly. I laugh, "Dont get that far, George has unicorn boxers. I saw them this morning when I woke them," I snicker and she laughs. "And Fred?" She asks, "Cats." I laugh. "Are you talking about our boxers again?" George asks and we jump, turning around seeing Fred and George, crossed arms and fake glares. "Um..." Angelina starts. "We are talking about...hats." she lied and I facepalmed, "that was awful." I whisper and everyone laughs. "I can't lie!" Angelina exclaims. I smile, "Now you will know if she is lying, George." I smirk and mock her, "I am not cheating on you, this guy needed cpr because he fell." We all start laughing again, "I would not cheat on him." Angelina comments. "How long have you been dating?" I ask. "Two years." Angelina and George tell me. "How adorable." I coo, "Have you ever dated a guy?" Angelina asks and I snort, very unattractivly, "Nope." I tell her.
"I wonder why." George jokes and I glare. "Fine then." I huff. I stick my tongue out at them and go to the work room.

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