chapter twenty six

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I looked around in awe. "Whose place is this?" I question. He apparated us in front of a beautiful house in Godric Hallow, which is a well known Wizard neighborhood. "This is the house we will move into after the war, if you want." He smiles, standing behind me he drapes his arms around my neck. "It's pretty." I whisper. "Come on, lets go inside. I have permission to see it." He says quickly. His face was illuminated and it made me feel safer. "Okay." I walked close to him, watching everywhere we walked, when we got inside I perk up even more. "It has three bedrooms. One master and two normal sized bedrooms. There is a bathroom upstairs and one downstairs. I know it is not much but-," Fred starts when I said nothing but I cut him off, "It is perfect." In that moment perfect worked. Perfect finally was meaning sense to me. Perfect isnt having everything complete. Perfect is finding the best thing to you and to know in your mind it is complete. "Yeah, you are." Fred murmured. My eyes left from the glance around the beautiful walls to see Fred looking at me. My face goes red and I wrap my arms around his neck. "Are you ready for our date now?" He asks. I smile and nod, his arms wrap around my waist and he apparates us. "Tada!" He exclaims when we apparate. I glance around in awe. "What is this place?!" I ask softly. "Bill and Fleur live just over there. Its completely safe." He explains. I glance around the sandy beach area. "Do you like it?" He asks, hesitantly. I was silent as I studied my surroundings. The silence between us started becoming tense. "LET'S GO!" I exclaim. I laugh before taking my shoes off and running towards the water. As I get closer I let articles of clothing fall to the ground. I could hear Fred behind me doing the same. As I enter the freezing water, with only my underwear and bra, I knew what I was doing was crazy. I turn and grab ahold of Fred. "This is great!" I laugh. He chuckles and pushes my wet hair out of my face. "This is the girlfriend I have been looking for." He chuckles. "What's that suppose to mean?" I ask, splashing around in the water. "I was worried about you for awhile." He spoke honestly, but carefully. "Don't worry." I whisper against his lips. I teasingly kiss him before splashing him and pushing him away.

That night our boundaries were non-existent as we learned more than ever about each other. Our relationship may have been falling slightly, but now it was better than ever.

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