chapter twenty-seven pt. 2

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(This is mid-dayish. The last chapter was the same day except 3 am.)

We were silent as we started packing away all the materials on the shelves. I knew they were upset about having to stop the jokeshop for the time being. The door opens,sounding off the bell. "We are closed." I call out. I hear footsteps and stop packing a box. Fred and George were talking quietly amongst each other, probably about money again. So, I go up to investigate. "Hello?" I question. I turn around one of the shelves and see a basket sitting against the wall. "Fred, George!" I call out. I hear their voices stop and they walk over. "Someone came and dropped something off." I tell them. We all looked at the basket, not sure whether to open it or not. Finally, I man up and walk toward it. "Eva, no-" Fred starts but I open it.
"No." I whisper, picking up the letter.

Dear Eva,
Your brother is gone, I want my baby safe. I will not come and harm you in any way. I promise you I did not kill him...I love him.
From Hannah

I put the letter down and stare inside the basket. "What is it?" Fred asks. I glance at them before picking up my small sleeping nephew from the basket. "You mean 'who'." I breath out. They were speechless. "Is that Elliots?" Fred asks. I nod, "Elijah." I show them the letter and we all stare at the baby. George goes over to the basket. "All of his information is here!" George calls. He carries it over and shows me.

Birth Record
Name: Elijah Alexander Fayer
Birth: October 30
Mother: Hannah Fayer
Father: Elliot Fayer
Guardian(s): Evangeline Granger and Fred Weasley

My eyes widened and I stared at Fred. "Fred I swear I didn't-" I start and he lookd at the paper. His somber look turns into a happy one. "Evy, we are parents." He whispers to me. "See, now you don't have to be upset anymore!" He says happily. I thought about it. Is this what I wanted? "I will leave you alone." George murmers before getting up. He leaves and Fred lookd at me expectantly. I stare at the small baby in my arms, letting a tear fall from my face. "I want you. Don't you get it? You are all I ever wanted. I didn't want you to not have everything you need." I tell him. "You are what I need! You are the air I breath, the warmth in the cold, the light in my darkest days." He exclaims, looking at me trying to see if I understand. "Evangeline you are what I want in life." His voice lowers and he stands up, helping me up with him. "I love you so much." He whispers. "I love you too." I smile. He comes over and looks at the baby. "This is our life now. Are you happy?" He asks me. The question startled me. Did he not think I was happy before? "I'm happy whenever I am with you." I state, laying the baby back in his small basket. I kiss him but he pulls away and looks at me expectantly. My eyes look down and I see the box. He gets on one knee and opens the box. "Evangeline, to be simple enough. Will you marry me?" He asks. He was nervous, I was speechless. My hands went to my mouth as I try not to cry. "Oh my godric!" I exclaim. I pull him into a hug and he laughs. "Is that a yes?" He asks. "Yes, yes!" I stutter out. He puts the ring on my finger and I glance up to see George had been taking multiple magical photos, the kinds that move around, catching every movement. I pull Fred close to me and kisd him hard. "Save it for the honeymoon, kids." George jokes. I roll my eyes at him but the smile stayed on my face.

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