chapter twenty-nine

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Tears fell fron my face as the smile quickly leaves my face. "Evangeline!" I scream. I start pushing the rubble away frm her body, Percy helps me. "Evangeline!" Her name constantly left my mouth until I could barely talk. Many people came over to help me. Despina, Mum, George, Hermione and many others. They took time time out of the fight to try and help me. "Please be okay." I whisper. When i could finally see her upper body I carefully pulled her out of the rock. She laid across my lap, her face becoming paler and paler. "Eva." I whisper, shaking her slightly. "No! No! No!" I exclaim. My head falls into her neck as I sob. "I promised you. I promised everything will be okay. I am sorry!" I cry. I could hear Hermione and my head snapped up. "Stop crying! You sent her that rude howler! What kind of sister are you?!" I scream at her. Tears continue flowing down her face as she looked down. I couldn't meet her eyes. She reminded me to much of Evangeline. I glance at the rind on Evangeline's finger and a strangled sob comes out my mouth. A hand touches my shoulder and I look up to see George crying. "I'm sorry." He whispers. He sits beside me and brushes her hair away. I didn't really think of how close they were. I never thought I would loose her. It doesnt seem real.
I wish this was some joke. That everything would be okay. What about Elijah? Madame Pomfrey came over and helped me take her safely to the Great Hall. She starts checking Evangeline. Seeing if any hope in her living would be possible. "I'm sorry you lost them." Madame Pomfrey tells everyone surrounding. "Them?" Hermione asks. "Well, she was pregnant." The words hit me hard and I snapped my head at the woman. "What?" I ask harshly. "She was having a girl. Quiet far along actually, due any day. I don't know why she looks so skinny." Madame Pomfrey explains, not realizing our faces as she continued checking Eva. My tears pour once more as my head slowly turns to my mum. Everyone was crying even harder now. I only hope she felt guilty. I put my head in my hands and shake my head. I'm so sorry, Evangeline.

Tbh: I cried while writing this. Its short because I couldnt stop crying. Sorry guys, ahhh so embarrasing

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