Chapter Six

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Two Months

"Goodbye, Hermione." I hug her."Bye." She sniffles. I had spent alot of time with her the last few weeks, knowing she would be leaving. "Ill see you at Christmas." She smiles. I wave goodbye and then I apparate to the shop.
Lets update you, nothing has changed between Fred and I except we flirt more.
Elliot ended up stalling and hasnt came yet, Angelina and I are now really close. I met Charlie and Bill and they are like annoying older brothers. "Eva?" I turn, hearing my nickname for the first time in ages...people apparently dont like to listen to what I prefer. "Elliot?!" I exclaim. I was at the counter and Im not kidding you, I jumped over the counter and attacked him with a hug-earning Fred and George to run out the storage room due to the noise. "I missed you!" I squeak as he spun me around. "Who is this?" Fred asks and for a split second I could see jealousy in his eyes. Elliot and I pull away and I smile. "This is Elliot, and Hannah." I smile, then see the baby. "And Elijah." I coo. "Can I hold him?" I ask. Elliot nods and I carefully grab Elijah from Hannah. "How cute." I smile happily. I rock him and he lets out a small baby laugh. "He likes you." Elliot comments. "How have you been?" I ask, looking at them. "Awful, we had to move. It wasn't safe and I couldn't send any letters because Death Eaters are searching for you and I." He whispers, looking around. "Really?" I ask. "Yes, probably because we were well known muggles. I haven't talked to mom lately either, I think she moved too." He tells me. Elijah starts crying so I shoosh him and rock him, "Whats wrong?" I ask. He looks at me and pokes my nose, before laughing. I giggle and look at Fred and George. "Look how cute he is." I was so jittery and emotional. "You look like the Mom, Eve." Hannah comments with a laugh. My smile falls for a second, "Yeah?" I murmur. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot." Hannah blurts out. "It's fine." I give her a reassuring smile. "What?" George asks confused. "I can't have children, remember?" I ask them. "Oh...yeah." Fred says. I look at the baby once more before giving him back to Hannah. "We have to go. We cant stay too long anywhere anymore." Hannah explains. I nod, "Its fine, thanks for letting me see him." I smile and give them both a hug and waving bye to Elijah. They leave and I let out a breath, looking up at the twins. "Why cant you have children?" Fred asks. "I got in a car accident when I was nine." I tell them, sitting on the counter. "We have a question." George states and I nod, "And I will probably have an answer." I mock. "Will you move in with us?" Fred asks. I smiled at them, "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes! We are tired of you apparating around and forgetting to eat until dinner. If you live with us you can raid our fridge and not feel bad." George tells me and I scoff, "I wouldn't feel bad any way. I just forget." I shrug. "Is that a yes?" Fred asks. I pretend to think about it, tapping my chin with my finger. "I guess so." I say slowly. "Yes!" They exclaim, hugging me. I laugh and hug them back, "I dont have alot of things. When I left my place it was in a hurry." I tell them. "Its fine, go upstairs and spend the day making your room look nice." Fred tells me. "You sure?" I ask. "Its fine, we aren't busy anyway." Fred smiles. I get up and go upstairs. "Accio suitcases." I murmur as I get to the guest room. I levitate everything where it goes and pin up pictures. When I am finished I keep the picture of Elliot and I on my nightstand, with my many books. I switched my covers to purple and then I was done. "Wow. So you do read." Fred's comment made me jump and drop a glass from my suitcase. "Shit, I thought I stopped doing that." I groan. "Sorry." Fred chuckles and levitates the glass away. "And the books are potions and transfiguring things, I have written in them so many times and I use them when I write in my journals alot." I explain. I sit on my bed and sigh, "You hungry?" Fred asks. "Yes." I tell him and he smiles. "Come on, I know a place that is quiet." He smiles and holds his hand out. "Is that a date?" I smirk. "Of course." Fred laughs and grabs my hand. Our fingers interlock and he apparates us. It was a small cafe, "Cute." I comment with a smile. "I used to go here alot, then you came." He tells me. "Why did I stop you from coming here?" I ask. We enter the restaurant and sit down. "Hey Fred, the usual?" A waitress comes up with a smile. "Yes, but two please." Fred smiles and looks at me. She nods and leaves, "I stopped coming because I forgot about it when you came." He admits sheepishly. "When the war ends what do you want to do? Keep working at a joke shop with George?" I ask. "Probably. Maybe find a girlfriend to marry." He looks at me, and I'm not joking he winks and leans forward. "Really?" I ask, leaning forward. Our food was sat down and we backed away. We ate in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before I spoke up, "Want to know the truth on why I have never dated anyone?" I ask. "Yes." Fred says, looking up from his food. "I am scared. I can't have children, how would that work? You can't have a family without kids." I start, staring at my plate. "But you...I can't stay away from you." I tell him, meeting his eyes. "Evangeline," he starts, chuckling when I glare at my name, "Will you go out with me?"


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