chapter nine

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It was 3:00 am. I haven't slept since I woke up the fourth time with the same death eater nightmare and I had no sleep yesterday when Fred was gone. I sat tiredly on the couch, not knowing what to do. "What are you doing?" George's hoarse voice made me jump. He sits down beside me, waiting for me to answer. "Ever since that night when we thought someone broke into the store, I have had the same nightmare. Death Eaters caught me, they took me to some dark mansion. I was tortured and tortured, getting 'mudblood' dug into random parts of my body with a knife. Over and over I'm tortured, it's so real." I whisper the last part as I pull my legs to my chest. "I can't sleep without someone anymore." I add sheepishly. "So that's why you sleep with Fred." He says and I nod. "Well, come on. Im tired." He states and gets up. "What?" I ask. "You need sleep. Fred will understand, besides I have a girlfriend. Why would I make a move on you?" He asks. I shrug and hesitantly get up. I climb into his bed and go under the covers, breathing in the scent so close to being Fred's. "Night, Evy"(pronounced ee-vy) he mutters. "Night, George." I sigh.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
"What the fuck?" I awake with my face cuddled into George's chest, like I did many nights with Fred. I glance up tiredly and see Fred. "What the hell?!" He asks. George groans and sits up, "your girlfriend can't sleep alone, mate." He yawns. Fred's glaring eyes softened and looked into my tired eyes. "Oh." Fred murmurs. "Yeah, oh. Why would I cheat on my girlfriend with yours anyway?" George asks, snickering. "Im just a protective boyfriend." Fred pouts and grabs my waist. "Now, I'm going to my room with my girl. Get yours over here, its been ages." Fred tells George. We get to Fred's room and he shuts the door. "I missed you." He breathes out. "I missed you too." I murmur as I wrap my arms around him and pick my legs up, wrapping them around his torso. He held me up with his hands under my arse. "You are beautiful." He whispers. I smile and brush his hair off his cheek. "I look awful. I didnt sleep yesterday and I finally went to sleep at three when George found me. Its been so busy in the shop." I groan, pressing my head against his. "And even while doing all that you still look perfect." He smiles. I lean in, kissing him hard. He smiles into the kiss, when I thought he was going to pull away he shocked me by trailing his lips down my jaw. "I love you." I breathe out. "I love you too." Fred whispers in my ear. He leads me toward the bed and I give him a nervous smile. "Yeah?" I ask, smirking as I tighten my legs around his torso. "Yeah." Fred confirms,

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