Chapter five

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I've never loved the wrong person, but I have loved the right people at the wrong time. The wrong life. The wrong moment.
                     ~Dominic Riccitello


My head is reeling from the drinks, and I cling to Sodapop for support as I slip off my heels. We both burst into laughter as we struggle to stay upright. "Tell us about Texas, Charlotte!" Two-bit shouts from the couch. "Are the rodeo girls' shorts as short as they say?" I scrunch up my nose with a giggle, "I don't get out much...I don't know." Two-bit's face falls, "Man, I was about to hop in that Mustang out there and go back with you if they were." Steve chimes in, "You think we'd all fit?" I roll my eyes, "I can make a few trips." Just then, the door swings open, and I'm startled for a moment until I see Ryder walking in with an armload of more liquor. "More?!" I exclaim, taking a seat next to Darry. "I'm gonna need to sit down for this." I mutter, resting my head on the back of the couch. Being surrounded by the gang has temporarily distracted me from thoughts of Dally, but whenever I'm alone, my mind wanders back to him. "You okay?" Darry whispers. I nod, forcing a lighter tone, "Just blitzed outta my mind." Darry smiles and rests his head on the couch, "It's good to see you." His words are bittersweet.

I'm happy they all welcomed me back with open arms, but sad I have to leave them again. I try not to think about it, "it's good to be back. I missed you all."

"Call the house if you're feelin up to talkin, we don't wanna go this long again." Darry says softly.

Maybe going back to Texas won't be so bad this time around, having communication with all of them might make my word feel a bit less lonely.

The night is filled with lots of jokes, laughter, dancing, and so many boozes. The air is alive, the atmosphere electric. The only ones left awake are Ryder and I. Ryder points to the door, "You ready?" I nod, trying to stand up from the couch, only to fall back down. Ryder laughs and holds his hand out. I place my hand in his and he guided me out the house. We stand on the steps, still hand and hand.

"Tonight was a blast..." my voice trails off. Ryder leans against the stairs, holding himself up and stares at me, his hand leaves mine and cups the side of my face.

"Maybe I can come visit you."

His eyes flicker to my lips, and back to my eyes. For a second I think he's going to kiss me but he doesn't. I nod, "I would love that." It's my turn to stare at his lips. I've never realized how pink they were until this moment, they're full and they look soft. I look back at his eyes, they're soft, and gazing down at me with admiration. My pulse quickens as I allow my hands to cup the side of his face and pull him closer to me. We stand only millimeters apart, everything in me is telling me not to, but god his lips are so inviting.

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