Chapter 1

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Annabeth POV

I was having a good day. Well, at least until paparazzi ruined my lunch. Again. "Annie! When are you releasing your next album," they screamed at me through the windows to the little cafe I was sitting in. Thankfully they couldn't get in, as I had rented out the whole cafe due to the creeps that follow me around everywhere. Anyways, back to my lunch!

I was eating a turkey and pesto sandwich and it was so good! I wanted to savor it forever but unfortunately I didn't have that option. I quickly finished up my sandwich then got up to leave and get away from the paparazzi. As I walked out, shielded by my bodyguards, I thought to myself that these people can never be satisfied. Like I just released my last album, All Too Well, not even two months ago. I got into my car rather quickly because I was fucking exhausted with all these people up in my business, and no later than I had shut the door, my driver took off to my penthouse.

Honestly, my penthouse is way too big for just me. My parents used to live here with me, but they had to move because my dad got the job offer of a lifetime at a college in San Francisco. I wanted to go with them, but since my record label was in New York, I was forced to stay here. 

So, since I had nothing better to do, I decided to enroll in high school for my senior year. I had been homeschooled all my life, and I wanted to have the high school experience, you know? The only issue was that people would recognize me, so I went to my manager, Thalia with my concerns. 

"I know a great school you could go to," Thalia said. "My little brother is enrolled there."

I expressed my thanks, but my main question remained unanswered. "How will people not recognize me?" I asked again.

Thalia looked at me, thinking of a response. "I don't know." Is what she finally came up with. We sat there brainstorming for a little while longer when it hit me.

"I have the perfect idea! I could pretend to be mute and just go by my full name!" Thalia looked at me dumbfounded.

"That's actually a really good idea." She said at last. "Anyways, back to the matter of what school to enroll you in. I was thinking Goode High of Performing Arts? (I'm def not heavily basing Goode off of Victorious... no I'm definitely not..) We could enroll you as a guitarist and pianist."

"Yes Thals! That's just what we'll do." I exclaimed.

She looked mad for a second, but the anger faded away quickly. "Don't call me that Annie." I just laughed I response as we brainstormed exactly how our plan would work. I was getting excited quickly for when school would start in just three weeks.

***✨Time skipiti dipiti✨***

Today is the day that I will announce to my fans that my tour would be put on hold for a year. I was getting nervous about how they would react, but then I remembered I would be fine as Aphrodite, the host of the show, always knew how to divert from those sorts of situations.

I'd been pacing my dressing room for thirty minutes before they called me out. "And now, we welcome special guest, Annie!" I heard Aphrodite's voice loud and clear through the speakers, and I knew it was time to finally go out. 

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