Chapter 3

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Hey guys just a warning I'm writing this in the middle of the night so if anything is out of pocket blame it on that. Okay! 

Annabeth POV

"ANNIE WAKE UP!" Thalia's voice rang through the air. I really don't even know why she's at my house. She probably just didn't feel like staying at hers. Anyways I pulled myself out of bed to see what she wanted. When I walked into the kitchen she looked very awake, which is unusual for Thalia at 6am. "So. I wasn't there to ask you yesterday but tell me how your first day of school went."

I had a feeling she was gonna ask me this. "It went so good Thals! I made so many new friends and not a single one is on to my secret."

"Well who are your friends?" She asked earnestly.

She was being awfully enthusiastic. I wondered why, but in the meantime I answered her questions. "Well there's this girl named Piper, and there's your brother of course, and there's this guy named Per-"

"HE LIKES YOU! I knew it! My baby cousin has a crush. Yesterday I was on the phone with him, and he mentioned becoming friends with the new girl and how he thought she was pretty. I just had to ask you to make sure it was you. Soooooooo. Do you like him?"

This caught me off guard, "no... I mean he's kinda cute, but I don't like him like that," I said with a blush.

Thalia just grinned. "So you like him back?"


"But your blush did." I couldn't argue with this as I knew this conversation was hopeless. Once Thalia made her mind up, there was no changing it.

I got up to go back to my room. "I have to go get ready. See you later." I didn't wait for her to reply instead I just walked back to my room. 

It didn't take me too long to get ready. All I had to do was get dressed in my school uniform, brush my teeth, and fix my hair a bit. Within fifteen minutes, I was walking back into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. I made some scrambled eggs and toast, and it was so delicious. I didn't make Thalia any though. Hey, it's my apartment she can fix her own food if she wants any. After another twenty minutes of breakfast, I was leaving my apartment for school.

*time skippi doo da*

I pulled into the school parking lot at around 7:09 leaving me with about twenty minutes to talk to people and get to my first class. I walked to my locker, which was next to Percy's. He wasn't there yet, (shocking) so I had to find someone else to talk to. I looked around before seeing Piper at her locker. "Hey," I signed when I walked over to her. 

"Hey! What's up? Are you excited for your second day here?"

I smiled, "yes," I signed in response. Our conversation was cut short by the arrival of our two favorite boys. Note the sarcasm. 

"WHAT'S UP GUYS?" Percy practically screamed. 

Piper laughed at his antics. "Nothing much."

Percy looked antsy this morning, so I asking him what he's excited about. (In sign language of course. I'm not gonna expose myself like that.) "I wanted to invite y'all to my family's cabin in Montauk this weekend. The whole gang is coming. You guys, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Nico, and Rachel!" 

I looked at Piper with a questioning look, and she just shrugged. "Okay, we'll come," she replied. 

"Great! I'm so excited!!" He couldn't explain much more about the trip because the morning bell rang and we had to get to first hour.

*time skip because nothing interesting happened in first hour -_-*


Finally! It was lunch! I couldn't wait to eat the Caesar salad I had packed for today. I was daydreaming about the delicious dressing, the crunchy croutons, and the flavor packed pieces of bacon sprinkled throughout the salad. Hey! Don't judge a girl for liking food! After all, without it we would all be dead. 

As I walked to the same table that we sat at yesterday, I couldn't shake off the fact that people were looking at me. I mean, just because I'm "mute" doesn't mean that I'm blind! Anyways, I ignored the rude people and waited for the rest of the group to arrive. Within a few minutes Percy sat down next to me. I couldn't help but notice that his lunch was only some Skittles and two blue cookies. I was confused about the blue cookies, but I was more concerned with the lack of nutritional value in his lunch. "How is that healthy?" I signed. (Please just assume anything Annabeth says from here on out unless specified is signed! It gets boring to type "she signed" every time she says something. Okay!)

"Oh this?" He asked looking at his food, "it's not."

I just rolled my eyes. "And what's with the blue anyways?"

He looked at me with wide eyes as if he was offended by my question. "Blue food is the most bestest awesomest food ever." He said triumphantly. "Everything that's good is blue. The ocean, my mom's cookies, ocean water from Sonic..."

"Okay Seaweed Brain, but you need to start eating healthier." 

"Seaweed Brain?" He asked confused.

"Well seaweed comes from the ocean, and you obviously have an obsession with that."

"Well you're a... a," he stuttered trying to come up with something to say. "A Wise Girl!"

I rolled my eyes, "that's a compliment Seaweed Brain."

"But it's true!" I tried to hide my blush, but just then I noticed the rest of the group had witnessed our conversation. Though they couldn't understand what I was signing, they understood what Percy was saying and got the gist of it. I just looked down at my salad embarrassed while everyone else started to eat. 

Before I knew it lunch was over, and we only had two classes left of the day. Two classes until I could go home and work on some songs in peace. I couldn't wait for the day to be over as I walked into my sixth hour class.

*time skipidi doo to the end of the school day*

As I was walking outside to my car, I heard Percy say something behind me. "Hey! Annabeth! Jason, Piper, and I are going to get some pizza, and I don't wanna third wheel alone. Will you come with?"

"Are you asking me on a date?" He panicked.

"No! No I'm not! Just as friends." I laughed at him and nodded my head yes. Well, it looks like I'm not going straight home.

Here's a good stopping point! Perfectly sets me up for the next chapter and I felt the need to stop right here because I hit 1100 words... well now it closer to 1130 but when the story itself stopped it was a perfect 1100.

Anyways!! How are you doing besties!! 

Btw. If I update again within a week it'll probably be on Monday or Tuesday but definitely not this weekend unless I somehow catch a break. But after this week I'm done with exams so I'll be free until August so don't let me slack. Remind me that I can find an hour at least once a week to write a chapter.

Anyways. BYE BESTIES!!

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