Chapter 5

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|Percy POV|

It was finally Friday. I mean... it's only the first week of school, but still. Friday's are great. I just love them so much. Anyways I was mainly excited because after school today, my friends and I were leaving for Montauk. I couldn't wait to spend the weekend there. It would essentially be a back to school trip, and of course, I was planning on being sneaky and setting Frank and Hazel up.

Once I had got ready I ran into the kitchen to see my mom making pancakes. They weren't just any pancakes. They were blue pancakes. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN. "THANKYOUSOMUCHMOMFORTHEBLUEPANCAKESIMSOHAPPYANDCANYOUPLEASEPASSMETHESYRUP!" I managed to say this all in one breath. I don't even know how so don't bother asking. The great Sally Blofis delivered again, and she passed me the syrup so that I could drown my pancakes. I gobbled them up quickly and I wanted more but we ran out. I don't know who ate the other pancakes.. I mean, Paul was gone and Mom had eaten before I came to eat. I wonder where they went. I was shaken from my thoughts by my mom yelling that Jason was outside waiting for me. I told my mom I loved her then left to go to school.

"So Sparky, you excited?" He looked at me skeptically.

"Why are you in such a good mood?"

"I had blue pancakes for breakfast, and you still haven't answered my question!"


"Sorry bro. I ate them all."

He just glared at me. Oh well. I was in a good mood and nothing could change that. Nothing except for a certain evil person named Mrs. Dodds.


"Alright class. Today we will be taking a pop quiz so I hope you all have been paying attention in class."

I was not, in fact, paying attention because I did not know the stuff on that quiz. Like sorry, but this is math. You put letters in math and Percy say "NO". I ended up making a 67%. Hey it may be a D but that's better than an F. (I'm going by the typical American grading scale so idk what a 67 would be in other countries like it might still be a d or it might be an f who knows? Not me!) 

The rest of the day went by very slowly. Too slowly. Wayyyyy to slowly. I was antsy to get going so we could leave for Montauk.

At lunch we were all so ready for the day to be over. We were all so excited and happy for what was to come, so instead of eating lunch like a normal person I just talked the whole time about what I would do when we got there. I couldn't wait to go swimming and hang out with my friends around a campfire and all that. Anyways, the lunch bell finally rang and I was off to my next class.


Finally!! The final bell! The day I've been waiting for my whole entire life had come! Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic, but being dramatic never hurt anyone. For seatings arrangements, Piper, Annabeth, and I rode with Jason, and Nico, Hazel, Leo, and Rachel rode with Frank. 

The whole way there we listened to the Trendy Hits radio station. (This is made up I don't know if it actually exists or not lol) A song called "Back to December" came on. It was by this artist named Annie or something. Piper started singing really loudly with the windows rolled down and Annabeth's face got red in embarrassment because people started looking at Piper. (Totally why her face got red... totally) 

"This song is actually so good!" I said. And Annabeth started blushing even more. Huh, I guess Piper embarrassed her really bad.

Piper decided it was time to pipe in and say, "oh! You like her music! I love Annie's music and I've been a longtime fan! Let me play some of her other songs for you." And that, my friends, is the story of how we ended crying to All Too Well (ten minute version) for the rest of the drive. Piper and I declared that we would go see this girl in concert one day. 

Anyways when we got to Montauk, Annabeth made a face and rudely signed, "Did you really have to scream at the top of your lungs the whole way here?"

"Yes," we said in unison. After that I showed everyone to the cabin and helped them all get situated on a bunk. I couldn't wait to go swimming so when it was suggested I was the first person out. 

We swam for about 3 hours until it was dark and everyone was tired. Then, we started a campfire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. They were so good, but unfortunately they were not blue. :( Soon after, we turned in for the night because tomorrow would be a long day.


Boy was it a long day. It started at 6am when I woke up to go surfing. I went alone because I hadn't gone surfing in a while, and I didn't want to wake up any of my friends. I went out and surfed all along for about an hour before Annabeth walked outside. 

She didn't yell at me (duh) but I noticed her waving to try and get my attention, so I went back to shore. "Hey," I said out of breath.

"Hey." She signed. 

"So, what're you doing up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep. You?"

"Oh, I just  wanted to go surfing so I when I woke up to use the bathroom at 6 I just said eff it and came out here."

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?"

"Yes it is actually. I just love watching the sunrise in the morning, but I don't wake up early enough most of the time."

"You wanna go watch the sunrise together?" She asked.

"Yes I do actually." So with that we sat down in the sand and watched the sunrise together.

The sunrise was beautiful. At one point we got so close that my face got all read, but if Annabeth noticed she didn't say anything. "She's looks gorgeous right now." Wait. Did I just say that? Oh no no no no no. She just looks at me and smiles. She doesn't say anything (well no duh) but before I could get any more awkward Frank walks out. 

"Oh hey guys! We were looking for you too! What are y'all doing out here?"

"We were just watching the sunrise. Nothing much."

"Okay well the rest of the gang wanted to go swimming so I'll tell them I found you two."

With that Frank walked back toward the cabin and Annabeth and I just blush at each other. I can understand why. It looks like we were on a date. Not that we were. Just two friends. Two friends that so happened to run into each other in time for sunrise. Who am I kidding? It was kind of a date. But I don't think Annabeth like me like that.

Anyways, we swam for almost the whole day. We decided to end it the same way we had ended the night before. With a campfire. Although this time it was very different. 

Halfway through s'mores I noticed Frank and Hazel sitting away from everyone else. Annabeth seemed to notice too so I leaning a bit closer, and although it was low, I could just barely hear the conversation.

"Hey Hazel?"

"Hm? Yeah Frank?"

"I was just thinking. I mean. Um, you're like really pretty, and I was thinking. Um that you'd maybe want to go on a date with me next Friday? Or Saturday. Whatever works best for you."

"Are you asking me out?"

"Um. I don't know. Umm." He paused. "Yeah I am."

"Well in that case, yes I will go out with you next Friday."

"Wait really?"

"Of course!"

I was actually so happy for them, and it seemed Annabeth was too because she also had a smile on her face. That night I went to sleep excited for my friends, but also sad because we would all be going home the next day. Nevertheless, I slept good that night.

So that's that. Suprise update because I got 150 reads. Thx guys!! If it's at 200 next time I check I'll write some more!

I'm honestly so happy that I chose this chapter for Frazel bcs they are just too cute.

Anyways( i say that a lot) anyways how are you???

I'm kind of ok. Ish not really but fine enough

Anyways I love you guys! Bye!!


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