Chapter 2

44 5 17

(Percy POV)


I groaned loudly as I dragged my tired body out of bed. Why the hell does school have to start at 7:30? Just the thought of waking up that early is enough to make me go back to sleep. It took me five minutes, but I finally started to get ready. 

I quickly showered got dressed in my uniform and grabbed a piece of toast for breakfast all in the span of five minutes. What? Don't judge. I'm sure you would be a little lazy if you had to wake up at 7 in the morning too. (Lmao I wake up somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00 bcs school has to start at the buttcrack of dawn) Anyways my school has the stupidest uniforms. Like ever heard of wearing whatever we want? The principal says it makes us look more dignified, but honestly, Goode is a school of wannabe singers, actors, and musicians. 

Our school uniform is weird. We have to wear a greyish blue Polo shirt with dark grey khakis and a blue and green striped tie. We can't even wear shoes other than the loafers stated in the dress code. Talk about strict. At least we have spirit days on Fridays where we can wear any form of school apparel to school. I grumbled to myself how much I hate these uniforms as I walked out of my apartment to meet my friend, Jason.

Jason looks like the textbook definition of a jock. The only difference is he has glasses. He has close cropped blonde hair. Plus he's really tall and muscular. He plays basketball, football, and baseball, so I guess you could say he is a jock. He's currently single ladies! He's like in love with one of my other friends named Piper though. She's Cherokee with dark brown hair that she always wears in a braid. Her eyes are... want, I don't really know what color eyes she has. Anyways Jason thinks she's drop dead gorgeous, but she's not my type. She's more like a sister to me.

I'm getting sidetracked. Jason was supposed to pick me up five minutes ago, but apparently he's late for some reason. He's probably taking the long way by Piper's house. After the longest five minutes of my life he showed up. He pulled up in his blue Maserati Spyder (im so jealous). He only has that nice of a car because his dad's like rich. I wouldn't know if my dad was rich because he's never around. I don't know why he doesn't keep in touch with us, but I've learned to accept it.

The first thing Jason said to me was,  "Why is your shirt on backwards?" I muttered an oops and quickly fixed it, hopping into the passenger seat. Jason was in his own little world. Bet you he's thinking about Piper. He didn't talk to me the WHOLE WAY THERE. Ugh. Stupid bros and their crushes. 

When we finally pulled up to school we had five minutes to grab our schedules and get to our first class of senior year. When we walked into the office, the secretary looked pissed and just slammed our schedules on the table.

My schedule was this:

Jackson, Perseus


Locker: 214

First Bell- 7:30

7:35- 1st Hour: AP Biology Room 202

8:30- 2nd Hour: Algebra 4 Room 205

9:25- 3rd Hour: English 4 Room 210

10:20- 4th Hour: PE 12 GYM

11:15- 5th Hour: AP Greek Room 203

12:10- Lunch

12:45- 6th Hour: Forms of Acting Room 200

1:40- 7th Hour: Musical Theater Room 201

Dismissal Bell: 2:30

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