Chapter 6

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The Montauk trip was fun and all, but the minute I got home I was immensely relieved. All weekend I been waiting to get home so that I could work on some songs. I had a great song idea while we were in Montauk so I typed it on my phone to work on it later.

What I had envisioned for this song was a fast tempo, maybe F# Major? I don't really know yet, but I can always figure that out later. Here's the snippet I thought of:

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name

I didn't know where to go from there though. I sat thinking of this for a couple minutes before it hit me-

And everything has changed

Now that was good. Maybe something like "And all I know is you held the door" next? Yeah definitely.

All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours

That's perfect! Now we just need to end the chorus.

All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed

Perfection. Literal perfection. I wanted to keep writing, but it was late on a Sunday and I had school the next day so I called it a day.

~~~time skip to the next day~~~~

It was Monday. Ugh. I hate Mondays. They can go die in a hole with the other things I hate, which not surprisingly is a lot of things. Anyways school was starting soon and I had to get ready. I quickly put on my uniform, tried to brush my hair, brushed my teeth, and grabbed a banana on my way out the door. I wasn't going to be late, but I wasn't in the mood to cook anything so a banana would suffice. 

When I got to school, not that many people were there yet. So instead of waiting for my friends I went to the library. 

When I got there I couldn't decide whether to read or look over some of my notes. "I'm doing good in all my classes," I thought, "so! The only logical option is to reread one of my favorite books!" I pulled Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen out of my bag and got to reading. I got to the part when Mr. Collins was first introduced before the bell rang.

Through some snooping throughout the day I learned that Frank and Hazel were going to this cafe on Saturday morning for coffee. Great! I'm free Saturday! 

I mean it's not like I'm going to go into the cafe! I'm just going to peek in through the window to make sure it's going well! Then I would go to a different coffee shop and treat myself to an iced caramel latte. That sounded like a great plan. 

~~~ time skippy to Saturday~~~

I did not expect to be sitting here at a cafe drinking a coffee with Percy next to me, but it somehow happened. Wait a minute. Let me back it up for you.


It was 7:30 am. Why was I doing this again? I need to sleep. Oh right! I'd rather play matchmaker than actually date a boy my age! Haha I really did have to get going though.

I quickly dragged myself out of bed and threw on a comfy outfit. I wore some grey sweatpants and a a random shirt that was on the top of my drawer. It's the weekend, don't expect me to dress up if I don't have to. I threw my hair in a low messy bun because it's A) easy and B) comfy. Don't judge. 

I decided to walk because it wasn't that far and I didn't know if I would find somewhere to park near the cafe. I walked out of the door to the apartment building onto the busy streets on New York. I walked a couple blocks before taking a left. Since the cafe wasn't far from school, I knew my way around well enough. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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