Chapter 4

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It was very clearly evident that this was not in fact a date. Piper and I were supposed to meet Percy and Jason at the pizza place at six, but it seems that neither of them own a watch because it was currently 6:13. I look down at my phone and see a text from Percy. "almost there!! like 5ish minutes away." The terrible grammar got on my nerves, but I was so used to it at this point that I don't even bother saying anything.

I told Piper that they were on the way and she just shrugged. "We probably could've guessed that they'd be late." I just nodded my head in agreement with her. I made a mental note that I could start betting on this and get lots of money from it, not that I need it or anything.

"So, how excited are you for your date?" I asked. Piper's face got all red and she started denying everything. 

"It's not a date!" She exclaims. "It's just four friends going to get pizza together. You know what we should be talking about? You and Percy."

She got me there. "We actually came because Jason demanded Percy come with him and he didn't want to third wheel alone. So ha!"

"He still asked you. You of all people. He's like in love with you or something." My friend was acting like Percy liked me. He couldn't like me! Right?

Anyways Piper and I went in to get a table because we got tired of standing outside arguing about who likes who. The waitress smiled at us and introduced herself as Katie. Apparently, her mom Demeter owns the shop. Katie sat us down then went to go seat other guests while Piper and I looked at the menu. 

"Remember when we used to sell sweet tea during the summer! Because we thought lemonade was overrated!" Piper's face lit up. 

"YES! We should totally get sweet tea." So that's what we ordered. Sweet tea to remind us of our past summers before I became famous. 

You see, Piper and I have been friends since we were seven years old. We used to live in the same neighborhood before she moved when we were ten. She's the only person other than Thalia that knows about this whole "mute" thing. Before she moved away we got matching friendship bracelets that said "love you to the moon and to saturn". We still wear them to this day. 

We were still laughing about the sweet tea when the boys walked in. They sat down across from Piper and me, and when Katie came back around they ordered their drinks. "Can you make my coke blue?" Percy asked. 

"Seriously Seaweed Brain!" I signed. "You can't just asked something like that." He just shrugged when Katie told him that they couldn't make a blue coke. 

I looked down at the menu to see if there were any signature pizzas to choose from. In the end we ordered the Demeter's Special and a regular pepperoni. 


In my whole eighteen years of life, I've never seen someone eat as fast as Percy. The pizza was almost completely gone the minute it was set down on the table. I thought he was going to choke, but somehow he found time to chew and swallow in between bites. 

After everyone had finished eating, we started talking about what's happening in our lives. I don't know how, but somehow the conversation changed into where we want to live later on in our lives. "We should move to India!" I turn and sign to Piper. 

"YES! We could live there forever!"

The boys were looking at us all confused. "You want to move to India? What's wrong with America?" Jason started.

Piper turned and said, "Well for starters it's full of idiots like you guys."

At this I burst out laughing. Pretty soon we were laughing so hard that we had to be asked to leave. We paid the check then walked outside. The boys offered to drive us home, but we had ridden here in my car so we didn't need a ride. 


I dropped Piper off at her house and drove home to my apartment. When I got there I threw my purse down and plopped on the couch. After that I decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to work on some music. I decided today I would work on a song I had written about Piper and I a few months ago. It was mostly finished, but I didn't have a good outro. 

The first part of the song went like this: 

Please picture me
In the trees
I hit my peak at seven feet
In the swing
Over the creek
I was too scared to jump in
But I, I was high in the sky
With Pennsylvania under me
Are there still beautiful things?
Sweet tea in the summer
Cross your heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Your braids like a pattern
Love you to the moon and to Saturn
Passed down like folk songs
The love lasts so long
And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why
And I think you should come live with
Me and we can be pirates
Then you won't have to cry
Or hide in the closet
And just like a folk song
Our love will be passed on
Please picture me
In the weeds
Before I learned civility
I used to scream ferociously
Any time I wanted
I, I

Since I only had one chorus I decided I would finish the song up with the chorus, but I would add a twist to it.

Sweet tea in the summer
Cross my heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you

I got to thinking about what I should say after that. 

Pack your dolls and a sweater

That was good. I couldn't think of what next though. 

We'll laugh and talk about the weather.

No that wasn't it.

We'll move to India forever.

Now that was it.

Passed down like folk songs
Our love lasts so long

Done! I was finally done writing this song. I decided to title it "seven" as it was an ode to Piper and I's friendship starting when we were seven years old. 

With the song finally finished, I quickly took a shower then got ready for bed. That night I slept soundly, knowing that the song I had been obsessing about in my head for so long was now complete.

Well that's that. I have big plans for the rest of this book so make sure to stick around for when I do update! 

Anyways.... I have a challenge. I made a lot of references in this one... all to one particular song... it's pretty obvious that song is seven seeing as I included it in here. My challenge is for you to see how many of the references to the song you can find!!

(Disclaimer!! Seven was written by and belongs to Taylor Swift! I am not in any way claiming ownership of this song!!)

Anyways... how are you?

Bye guys!


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