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Unedited AF (probs hella typo's but I'm being lazy.)

Season 2, Episode 1
Part 2

Lucious lounged in his cell writing on a notepad. Toying with a new song he had in mind. What better to do with his time than to fill his vault of songs back up. It was a nice distraction from the fact that he had pressing matters to attend to. A feat he thought might have been harder had a gem not fallen on him after Cookie's visit.

Word on the block was Frank was made aware of her coming to see him. This evening, during recreation after dinner, Frank had plans to test Lucious. It was a do or die moment. Luckily for Lucious money made the world go round. It seemed in the years Frank had been in and out of prison. He hadn't done shit for the men meant to be his protection. Turning the tide was as easy as a quarter million. Which was chump change to him.

Now, all he had to do was sit back and wait. He didn't spend too much time thinking about the causal nature of this request. Frank wasn't the first nigga to meet his end behind Cookie. Probably wouldn't be the last. Usually he had a little more to go behind, but considering Cookie brought her ass out here to ask him to handle it. Could only mean it was an urgent matter. Usually he had to manhandle the reigns out of her hands. She rarely liked to roll over and admit she couldn't do something.

Call him psychotic if you want, bit he kind of wished she could witness Frank's demise. He liked to include her in his work. Though he also liked to be creative usually but prison didnt give him many resources to go off of. Catching a new body was as easy as a breeze. Street life wasnt easy. It was kill or be killed. Cookie knew that. Hell she had a few bodies of her own. He could still remember the last one she caught...granted he had helped.

Melvin sat in his living room space of operations. Helping with the packaging of their latest drop. His thoughts a mix of trouble. He wasn't dumb enough not to understand he had truly shit the bed here. A few bumps, some weed, and several beers had him off his rocker early. As much as he hated Lucious, he respected the mans work ethic. He just hated how his crew had been demoted under the man. Trenton had been doing stupid shit like starting turf wars around here. Drawing too much attention from the pigs. Frank had got rid of a liability than personal plopped Melvin in his place.

Melvin had thought it was his time to shine. He'd been running with Frank since Frank's father was running the ring. Just when he was finally being given the respect of running an operation at its helm. He was given a damn....manager. this Lucious Lyon cat who just popped up on radar not even 4 years ago. How was that nigga ahead of him? Frank didnt know that man foreal.

Since meeting Lucious, Melvin hadn't trusted him not one bit. He was pompous and seemed way to damn off handish about drug life. Nigga wanted to be a rapper or some shit like that. He just rubbed Melvin the wrong way. In the same breath he worried the man too. Lucious had some stories that reached even over here. Some of his boys expressed deep concern over his treatment of Lucious's trick. Enough concern that he had called Frank up to touch bases. The head honcho was supposed to smooth it over. As long as he compensated for Cookie's damage. He didnt think much of the knock at his front door. Used to junkies coming by to buy they fix. Except junkies didnt bust doors open after being asked who is it. Nor did they flood his home locked and loaded.

Nothing but guns drawn and steady hands. A tense silence in the room as heads stared off. Waiting for the other to make a move. Lucious ignored the blare of his ringtone. Not taking his eyes off his object of rage. Who was standing in the middle if the room defenseless.

"Is it too late to say....welcome?" Melvin tossed, a slight tilt to his lips. Lucious's eyes darkened as he stepped forward. Melvins gun men shifting sights straight to him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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