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Cookie was ready for war. Lucious was doing to much. Not only did he call to inform her about this so called "Inferno". He was doing it why Jamals in rehab.

She went backstage as the song inferno was being played. She spotted him talking to Shine. Her eyes blazed with anger like the fires from the song.

Shine alerted Lucious of her presence. He wasn't to keen on seeing her. Cookie and Angelo had his head all fucked up. Shine departed leaving the two staring at eachother.

"So when was I supposed to get the memo of this?" Cookie snapped gesturing to the concert going on. Lucious walked up to a mirror wiping his face.

"Last time I checked you weren't talking to me." He snapped back meeting her eyes in the mirror.

"Well I'm talking to you now!" She hissed.

"I'm am Co-CEO of this company. I should be included in desicions." She spat. He chuckled fixing his suit.

"Your just a trophy head baby." He spoke. Cookie's anger sparked.

"I'm not about to play with you Lucious." Cookie snapped stepping into his face.

"I don't play I war. If you want war fire the first shot." He challenged. Cookie smirked. Lucious held an evil smile.

"How about a board meeting to make me full CEO. Huh? If someone just let it slipped about that IPO scam. I think you'd be booted." Cookie spoke watching as his smile morphed into anger. She relished in that. She decide to let loose one more jab.

"How's that for a shot? Hit any vital organs?"

She walked around him ignoring the anger written all over his face. She strutted away leaving him tooted. Lucious was furious. Even the mention of his company made him want to spill blood.

He made quick work catching up to her. Cookie diddnt know what hit her. One minute she was walking the next minute she was yanked backwards and slammed into the wall roughly. In a room she had no idea was right there.

The impact knocking the wind out of her. When she opened her eyes, the fiery eyes of Lucious stared back at her. His grip on her was tight as he kicked the door shut. A single light bulb hung from the ceiling illuminating the scene.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He growled. Despite the seriousness of the conversation the junction between her legs grew wet.

"Get off of me!" She snapped going to kick him in the nuts.

He blocked her attack wedging a leg between her legs. She fought the moan that threatened to spill from his knee rubbing against her.

Lucious groaned his body betraying him. He felt hiself growing hard due to their proximity. The real root of their anger with each other coming to a head.

"You make me so furious. Yet all I want to do right now is fuck you senseless." He growled in her ear. She shivered hard causing him to notice.

"I want to make that sassy mouth of yours scream for me." He continued. Cookie couldnt find her voice.

"You parade yourself around with that bastard. In front of me. Making me angry." His voice grew deeper and husky with each sentence.

"So angry.....Im sick of this shit. You seemed to forget who the fuck I am. I'm giving you one choice." He spoke pulling his head away from her ear. He stared into her eyes. Cookie shivered his eyes looked pitch black.

"Break up with him....or I'll kill him." He sneered.

Cookie knew the truth in his words. She knew she really was in some deep shit. She hadnt seen this Lucious since they lived in Philly. The Supierior, The Alpha, the one who took none of her shit. She thought he was gone.

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