Is It Really You?

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This is just a random oneshot. Just something cutesy as I pull together some things for a new book dropping sometime this month. So be on the look out for that.

Anyways comment and vote. Love yall!

Stepping out of the JLTV, the blazing 110 degree heat of the middle east creating heat waves as far as the eye could see. Adjusting his uniform he was greeted by a few soilders.

"General, they are all in medical bunker A."

Nodding in acknowledgement the General made his way to the Bunker. Looking over the base as he passed today was a good day. Pulling the tent cover back he looked in. Members of a special team he hadn't seen in years waiting for routine checkups. They looked roughed up like they had seen hells fire pits yet the air in the room was that of celebration.

" is good to see you all." He boomed making himself known. Genuinely smiling at the well trained men. Each hand picked to serve the best in the platoon. Walking in he shook the hands of those injured and not. Proud of the men and women.

"Wheres your commanding officer?" He questioned, a private pointed him in the direction of the back room.

"Well can I get you soldiers anything?" He questioned holding his hands behind his back.

"A decent meal....and some cake!" One exclaimed getting a chorus of agreements.

He chuckled nodding his head. After being off grid and out in the dessert for years he could only wonder when the last time they had sugar. Operation Smoke Mountain was top secret. So classified that no one but him, another general, and the president knew about the operation. A 6 month long expedition to not only to track but infiltrate a terrorist group believed to be rogue soilders.

What they were sent to do quickly turned into something greater, 6 months became 6 years. That group led them directly into enemy camps. There they got all kinds of information. The general had such little contact one would only assume they died. But when a specific radio sequence sent a code from out in but fuck no where after 6 long years. Not only did they complete the mission but they brought more than what was asked.

Heading into the back he knocked on the door before opening it. Sitting on a medical bed bloody and bruised was his hand picked lead. Just a young barely promoted soilder who had such a will to lead at the time. Now as he stared at him he recognized the wise change in him. This first class sergeant that was looking at a medal of honor in the near future.

"Welcome home Sergeant Howard" The general spoke up knowing he had already been sensed.

"Thank you Sir." He spoke looking up from the bucket of water. Rubbing the filth from his arms.

"You've done a great service to your country." The Generel voiced taking a seat on the bed across from him..

"I'm aware Sir." Terrence responded looking at the ring on his hand. He did great for his country but what for hiself? What of the life he had before he put on that uniform. His wife....his kids....

"Look I know these last years have been stressful. We are not unaware of the mental health it takes to bring your whole battalion home alive. You are the fast track to something greater. You're even looking at a medal." The General spoke sensing his soldier's in turmoil.

"With all do respect sir. I have done my dues. I went through hell not sure I'd live another day. I wasnt thinking about my country at all. I was thinking about my family, they brought me home. I will have been in active duty for 8 years in two months. I'm going to leave active duty." Terrence spoke eyeing his superior in all seriousness.

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