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[Mistakes part 2]

Forgot to post last night, my bad. Unfortunately there is no sex scene because that's not where I saw a part 2 going in my head. Enjoy nonetheless...

"I don't like that." Bernice mumbled looking at her daughter staring out the window. They were at a little family restaurant for the night. Oddly enough Taraji was the quiet one throwing off the balance of the family.

"Who are you telling." Boris added taking a sip of his drink. Taraji looked down at her phone refreshing her messages hoping something new popped up. It had been 4 days since the kick back and he still hasn't texted or called, or even been to school in that time. She was growing more and more hurt by the day. She understood she left, but he didn't even gave the decency to check on her?

"Taraji, what are you gonna do for Christmas break? You and your brother have a whole two weeks of no school." Bernice pushed wanting her daughter to come back to earth.

"I was thinking about binge watching Myth Busters, but now I want to....." She paused her eyes focusing on a familiar car.

"Want to....what?" Boris asked eager to make her happy. Her brows furrowed as she looked away from the window, yet another flash of hurt hitting her.

"Go home...." She mumbled looking down at her plate. Her mother's eyes narrowed at her child. Looking out the window, she saw a handsome young man talking to a curvy girl. Her eyes travled back to her daughter and hummed.

"They look cute together." Bernice spoke aloud wanting a reaction.

"Who baby?" Boris asked still trying to figure out why his daughter was so down.

"The two outside, look." Against her better judgement Taraji looked up in time to see him kiss her.

Her stomach lurched, going back to her plate she felt the prick of instead tears. Just like she thought, it was on to the next. All those sneaky late nights, and sweep conversations at lunch were all a ploy to fuck her. An hour passed and she could feel his eyes. They had come in for dinner and when he spotted her, he didn't look away. Continuing to half listen to his date as he stared, his eyes dark and angry. She felt like he was trying to light her on the spot.

When her family was ready to go she rejoiced. Not even casting a look his way in fear he might literally turn her to stone. The had to pass his table to exit, hearing his voice tried to bring a smile to her face. He litteraly was her first friend at school, it was kind of sad noe to think it was faked.

"Ima fuck him up!" Shawn hissed in her ear.

He knew of Terrence, they were both seniors. He had quite the reputation though, and he wished instead of finding him a cutie he had paid attention to his sister at school. He would have known who she was hanging around with. It made since, her behavior as soon as he entered. Why he was staring at her so damn hard. Shawn was pissed tgat she let someone like him slid between her legs. He was pissed that they were even open to begin with.

"Stop." She responded, he shook his head livid.

"You so fucking lucky we with mom and dad. I should be beating yo ass." He snapped remembering where he picked her up the other day. He was trying to conceal his anger but Bernice caught on furthering her suspicions of the light skin boy. She smirked looking at her daughter. She decided to keep her suspicions to herself till she deemed necessary.

The next day....

Taraji put in her headphones walking torwards her locker instead of the lunch room. She had brought her own lunch, then planned on studying for her math test later. Bumping into someone she looked up and apologized. Her eyes connecting with one of Terrence's buddies.

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