I Can't Resist...

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If I was to make this a book I would definitely take this story slower but because it's a oneshot I was like fuck it

Terrence lived in a small town, one of those where the town revolves around church on Sundays. So it took nothing for a moving truck to roll into town. That was the center of gossip someone was moving into what used to be the town grandma home.

A home that had been empty and cherished for almost 20 years. A thin layer of hate developed for who ever was moving in before they knew it. A week passed of movers fixing up the house and cleaning it out. Then one Saturday morning an SUV drove into town, and from that car Terrence saw the most beautiful woman he ever set his eyes on.

Granted also two boys got out, but he couldn't help but to stare at her. It caught him by surprise to see such a pretty woman as her moving to a town like this. He hadn't planned on meeting anyone new today, just mowing his grandmother's lawn. But as he stared he tried making up any excuse to go over to her. Finally mustering up some courage to walk over he couldn't have picked a worse time.

As he walked up sweating from the blaring sun he heard her beautiful voice yell at the boy closest to her who in term gave her a smart ass response which sent her over the edge as he stomped away. She burst into tears trying to pick up a box. Terrence made a face trying to decide to go back across the street and try this later.

He turned for a split second but shook his head walking over to her. He scratched the back if his neck opening his mouth to say something but life had other things planned. Struggling the box up she took one off balanced step and dropped the box. Terrence caught it before it hit the ground.

"Woah, are you okay?" He asked looking at her.

"Yes....No, I don't know." She spat wiping her eyes.

"Do you need some help? You got alot of big boxes." He offered, in the mist of her break down she caught an instant attitude.

"Why? Do I look like I cant handle this? Well I can and I don't need no man to assume I can't!" She snapped, his eyes widened as he fumbled for words.

"That's not what I meant I was just trying to help, sorry." He responded setting the box down.

"Yeah well....shit." She spat starting to cry again. Terrence imeadietly started initiating an abort mission. Chalking this up to a bad time.

"I'm sorry....youre just trying to be nice and here I am probably looking like a crazy woman." She spoke as he started backing up.

"No it's fine it looks like you had a rough day." He responded putting his hands into his pocket and flashing her a smile. Her mouth grew dry at the sight, he had a smile that could melt a woman. For the first time she let her eyes look over his body. Connecting with his eyes she noticed the green and hazel.

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