Temptations of the Heart

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[Old Book idea.....Let me know what you think.]

"Cookie. Can you pick up these two tables? Yeah ok bye." Jessie spoke with a fake smile.

Cookie gritted her teeth as she walked away. Her very curvy body strutting away in her modified uniform. That was Jessie for you. Bossy, a bitch, oh and a bossy bitch. She was built though. Size doubble D breasts, very very gifted ass, pretty face, small waist, thick thighs. She was a package. Rumor has it she was a stripper on the weekends.

Cookie on the other hand was small. Her breasts were average size, she had a nice bubbly ass, small waist, long hair, slender legs. She was a package as well.....but you'd never know that. She hid herself in frumpy clothing.

She was beautiful, but she diddnt think so though. She was to busy comparing herself to other people. She sighed putting her lunch away. She was a shy, timid person. She also had some real sass that came with her.

Though she just got the job. Finnaly landing a solid one. Her little money she took with her was slowly drying up. She needed a job pronto. So here she was working at a shitty diner with shitty people.

She tried hard not to snap at Jessie. Trust and believe she could. Even the shyest people had a point where they snapped. Jessie though was the ring leader around here. Plus, sleeping with the boss gave her another level over everyone else.

"Chop! Chop! Cookie those tables won't wait themselves." Jessie snapped. Cookie gritted her teeth once more nodding her head.

She glanced at the two tables. One was a mother and son she assumed. The little boy was cute. The other was a group of men. They were buff well built man. A dark aura hanging around them. She shivered.

She took the order of the first table first. Bringing them their drinks she mustered up the courage to go over to the table. She noticed one was missing.The men looked at her with wide smiles. To big to be friendly.

"What can I get you guys?" She asked in a soft voice. One of the men stuck his head out looking at her back end. He grinned.

"I'd like to have you baby." He smiled smugly. Cookie swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

"Don't be so shy baby." Another man at the table spoke. He reached for her hand, but she snatched it away. The man frowned. His jaw ticked as he leaned back in his seat.

"Leave her alone man." Another man spoke on the other side of the table. He looked younger then the rest.

"Shut up Cam." The man that first spoke to her snapped. Then his face fell as a shadow loomed over her.

"I'd listen to Cam. Leave her alone." Someone suddenly snapped from behind her. Cookie jumped.

He gave her an apologetic smile. He was a bit taller then the rest of them. His arms looked like they could snap her. She shifted nervously.

"Sorry Jonah. We were just teasing." The man spoke casting his eyes to the floor. Jonah glared at the men, no one met his eyes. Cookie found that odd.

"Can you get them two large all meat treat pizzas?" He asked. She nodded writing it down.

"And just a pitcher of beer, 5 cups." He finished. She nodded once more writing it down.

"Are you not staying?" The man known as Cam asked.

"No. Boss needs me. I trust you guys have this right?" Jonah asked. They all nodded. Cookie assumed he was speaking about the bill.

"Is that all?" She asked.

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