It's me, Baby...

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Cookie stared out the window. Her heart slowly shattering as she continued to look. As if she wasn't broken enough she just kept crumbling. She knew he diddnt mean it, she wished he diddnt mean it.

As she watched Lucious though..she knew. He was falling for his nurse. Well not him Dwight or whatever. He diddnt smile they way he smiled at her at Cookie. Sure he smiled, but not like....he loved her.

Cookie spent many a nights crying. Real tears flowing from her like there was a deep water well. Deep pain is all she felt. Deep, deep pain.

She tore her gaze off the two walking along the lake outside. She walked up to her room down the hall in the mansion. She slipped out of her dress. She needed to keep her mind off of things. It was hard.

She decided to get situated in her room. She had moved in so quickly her room was a mess. She sighed walking into her bathroom she proceeded to remove her makeup. Her appearance was a polar opposite. Her face dull and tired, but her body was in the best shape it's been in years.

She shrugged she was at the moment competing with Gulliana when she got so in shape. It went to waste. Her eating habits matching her heartbroken stat. She looked over her body once more then sighed.

She exited her bathroom, not bothering to put clothes over her half naked body. Her door was closed why bother. She turned on her stereo and got to cleaning and putting stuff away. Moving in has proved to be a taxing task.

After an hour or two she was done. If there was one thing that Pandora did to you when you were sad was make you sadder.

"You're so Beautiful" blasted over the speakers. She couldn't help it. She broke down. Sitting at the edge of her bed, hard heavy sobs hit her.

The song hitting the first part of the hook. Lucious smiled walking through the halls. There was so much art in this house. This Lucious had taste. He often found hiself by Cookies room. Most days she was listening to music. He enjoyed her music choice. Sometimes he sat outside her door till Claudia came during her search.

As he grew closer gentle waves of purple hazed his veiw. A lovely song meeting his ears. He could see the love in the song. The purple mixing with a soft blue color. As he grew closer he could hear cries. He immediately thought something was wrong.

He opened her door not bothering to knock. He saw her and gulped. Her creamy flesh on display. She hadn't heard him come in. He took a moment to long in his examination. He felt his manhood stirring to attention.

This woman was Lucious's ex-wife. She was such a beautiful peice of art. He coudnt understand why Lucious did her so dirty. He snapped out of his gaze walking up to her.

"Hey..." He spoke touching her shoulder. She jumped looking up at him. She quickly wiped her tears, clearing her throat. Lucious sat down next to her.

"Don't cry Cookie." He spoke softly wiping the remnants of her tears.

Her heart clenched as he looked at her. So much care in his eyes, but that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted that love he once poured out with a simple look. Tears weld up in her eyes as they stared at eachother.

"Is it me?....Im sorry...Can I make it better?" He spoke.

She sighed shaking her head. He felt terrible. He would catch her longing gazes here and there. Or when she got frustrated with him. He just wanted to make her happy. He pulled her into his chest, her tears fell once more. She clutched on to him, her sobs hitting her.

He listened to the lyrics. Something was pulling at him in his mind. Like he was beating a brick wall with a sledge hammer. There was a peak of light on the other side. He felt like he was slamming away making the crack bigger.

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