Where Is Amy?

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Sonic walked down the street, his red shoes tap tap tapping as he did so. It was past nine at night, but he hadn't been able to get a much needed rest. He walked down a familiar path and looked up to see a brown house in front of him. Sighing, and deciding he wanted some of her company, he walked up to the door and knocked. And knocked. And knocked.

Hm... Strange. And her lights are on. Sonic thought before yelling out:"Hey Ames! Open up will ya! Haha..." No response. Was she okay? No idea, but if she wasn't, he had to get in there. He backed up and swung his foot out, kicking the door.

It crashed against the wall, revealing her home to be... Abandoned? That's strange. Where could she be? The worst hit his brain. "Ames?!"

He searched her through out the house, and found everything to be bare. He walked into the kitchen and found food spoiled. Then he walked to her room, where the shades were drawn, bed was made, but her drawers were empty, no traces of her at all.

"This is not good..." Sonic mumbled as he sped out of her used to be house.

He couldn't rest that night at all. The next morning, he called Emergency meeting. Everyone was there... But Amy. Heck, even Shadow showed up.

"What is it babe?" Sally asked as she walked up to him.

"We're not going out any more, you know that, Sal..." Sonic sighed, as he turned to look at her.

"I know..." She looked down."I keep forgetting that. Its kind of hard to not call you that so..."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, "I know what you mean."

"But I've called everyone here for a very important reason." Sonic said, raising his voice and looking around the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the cobalt speedster.

"Mr. Sonic, we can't start, Amy isn't here," Cream said from the couch, Cheese resting in her lap.

"Yeah, now that Bunny over there mentioned it, where is Pinkie?" Rouge asked.

"That's the very reason why we're here this morning... Amy..."

Sally looked at him, curiosity swimming in her blue eyes. "Amy what, Sonic? Is she okay?"

He sighed, closed his eyes and said, "That's the thing Sal... Guys..." He opened his emerald eyes and looked at everyone with a grave expression. "Amy Rose is missing."

Shadow, who had been facing a window the entire time chuckled and looked over at Sonic. "That's impossible. We saw her two days ago. How can she go missing within a short time span?"

"She might be all cold and alone and scared oh no..." Cream hugged Cheese and cried softly. Tails walked over to her and held her.

"What do you think happened?" Sally asked, taking a seat next to the crying rabbit and rubbed her back.

"Runaway? Not kidnapping, her things were all gone. Definitely not murder, no blood what so ever."

"Hold on, Faker. How do you know this?" Shadow asked, facing Sonic, his hands clenched at his sides. White chest fur bristling. Crimson eyes with a fury fire.

"I'm not the faker here, you are" Sonic replied, growling," and for your info, I went to her house and it was abandoned. Okay?"

"Then I say we go to her house," Knuckles said, fist pumping himself. "Who knows, we might find something there."

Sonic smiled at the idea. "Hey, that doesn't sound too bad, even for you, Knuckle head."

The red echidna growled and held up a spiky fist. "Oh yeah? And how about I give you a Knuckle sandwich?"

Sonic ran behind Rouge, "Nah, no thank you." Everyone laughed despite the tension.

"What are you doing hero boy? I'm not your shield," Rouge said, flying up.

"Thanks Batwoman! Get back here Sonic!" Knuckles said as he ran after the speedster.

"Gaaaah someone help me!" Sonic said as he ran.

"Coward..." Shadow mumbled as he looked out the window. Where could Rose be? Is she alright..? Worse even, important too... Is she dead or alive?

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