Chapter 8

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"Turned out that the house still smelled like fart after all," Scourge said, throwing away the last paper plates into the garbage bin.

"Yeah, he knocked out as soon as I popped the movie in."

Amy turned her head to look into the living room, where Sonic snored a bit loudly. Tails, Cream and Cheese and Shadow hadn't left yet, having decided to watch the movie.

"Hey Ames, maybe you want to show that guy there the training room. He looks pretty bored in here, wouldn't you say?" Amy turned her head to where Shadow was, his expression dull and, well, expressionless.

Amy shrugged. "If its okay with you."

Scourge shrugged. "I don't care. Just as long as you guys keep it PG," and he waggled his eyebrows.

Amy felt her face grow hot with embarrassment, and punched her brother several times. "You perverted jerk! This is why I have no boyfriend! How are we even related!?" She growled. Scourge broke into a fit of laughter, tears beginning to brim the bottom of his eyes.

Suddenly, Amy was thrown over the couch. "H-hey! No fair!" She called.  Cream, Tails and Shadow immediately caught on to what was happening between the two siblings.

Amy's P.O.V

He really dared to say that in front of Shadow?! What will he think? I got up from my awkward position on the floor and glared at Scourge.

"Pompous jerk."

"I get that a lot," he shrugged and faced the TV. I sighed in defeat, knowing I wouldn't be able to argue with my older brother. I never could. Even after I left him and Rosy after... The accident.

I turned my gaze at Shadow and pointed behind me. "You wanna go to the training room?" I asked. He seemed to have cheered up at that, a spark in his crimson eyes was there and he stood up.

"Lead the way."

I nodded. "This way." This was going to be the second time alone with him. I began to think of him, my mind somewhere else and my body subconiously moves forwards to the room.

I may love him, but it might be the same as it was with Sonic. Shadow has been hurt before, though. From what I've figured out, he'd rather not get attached to anyone ever again. I frowned. Poor Shadow. I wish I had met him in his happier times, when Maria was alive. Even if he doesn't love me back... I'll make sure he gets his happily ever after. Even if it isn't with me.

"We're here," I announce, patting the side of a wall to find the light switch. Once I found it I smack it and the lights flickered to life. I turned my gaze to the ebony hedgehog sideways from me. I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing.

It was the first time I had ever seen any form of shock on his face. Or was it just amusement with a hint of joy?

His eyebrows shot up, ruby eyes were wide with awe, his jaw was dropped open, a bright blush on his tan muzzle and he was slightly slouched. Needless to say, he was looking hotter than ever.

All of a sudden a mental image of Scourge popped up, him waging his eyebrows. I growled, my own furrowing. Damn him. 

"Amy? Are you alright?" I snapped out of my reverie and laughed nervously.

"Yeah. I was just remembering something a bit... Infuriating. Anyways, I need to change, can't really do much in this," I waved a hand over my persona. He seemed to be in a daze before snapping out of it. Shadow gave a slight nod before heading to look at the weaponry and equipment. I sighed and headed to the bathroom, where spare clothing was waiting for me with my name.

Shadow's P.O.V.

When she had growled, it had been a bit startling. I'd never heard her growl before.

I thought of her eyes and her smile. The moment between us in her car. She had... Hugged me. Probably in a friendly manner though. I stared after where she had gone, a brown wooden door closed and light peeking out underneath through the crack. She really had changed and hardened her heart. But the old Amy was still alive inside of her.

Sitting down, I thought of the moments I've seen already between Amy and Scourge. I never thought a tough guy like Scourge would be so caring and such a softie. Realizing something, I facepalmed. We were alike in that aspect.

"Hey, smacking yourself isn't a good thing." I looked up, jade, electric blue eyes staring into my crimson ones. Her hair was piled into the messiest bun ever known, she was wearing a hot red sports bra, a loose tank top and some dark gray sweats. "Hey my face is up here, Shadow."

I felt my face get hot and I looked at her again. She had the most annoyed look ever. I'm guessing she doesn't like being checked out at all.

"You can go punch the punching bag. I'm just gonna practice my throws and stuff. Have fun," she said, turning around and walking towards a blue matter wall. I sighed.

Always screwing things up, Shadzy.

Shaking my head, I took off my shoes after noticing Amy was barefooted here. Cracking my knuckles, I eyed the punching bag.  This would be a good thing to get all anger out on. Punches and kicks were given the bag. If this were a person, they'd be all green and purple by now.

Hearing a grunt, I stopped what I was doing and saw Amy throwing a hammer towards the matted wall. Turning my gaze, I saw a target poster. She's practicing on her aim.

The speed she picked another hammer and launched it at the wall was blinding. Nonetheless, she hit the mark perfectly. From combats I had had with her, she never threw her hammer. Most of the time she just swung it without care. Now, she was a calculating fighter. In a span of two months, my Rose had changed so much.

My eyes widened as she ran to the wall jumped and kicked it, sending her flying backwards. She did it again and again, doing different moves as she proceeded. Amy concluded with  a backflip, while in the air though, she threw a hammer, and landed, facing away from the wall.

Once again, she hit the mark perfectly.

A day late and I'm so sorry! I hope you guys liked it, a bit of Shadamy here. Not as much, but some. I had to erase part of the chapter because it made no sense whatsoever, and I ended up with this. Again, I hope you guys liked it and so so sorry for the eternal wait.

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