Lived in a Lie

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Two weeks later...

Amy's P.O.V.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I spat out. My eyes were still bandaged from the unexpected Eggman attack and I was angry. Rosy was gone? And Scourge had kept it from me this entire time. How could he have lived so peacefully keeping something like that?

"I'm sorry Amy, its just that I didn't want to worry you," Scourge said. I could hear the guilt in his voice, but that didn't simmer my fury.

"No, all this time I wanted to find Rosy and tell her how much I loved her and how much she is missed but until now - after an attack and in the hospital - I find out our eldest sister is dead. No, Scourge, I'm totally going to be worried about a dead person. You're so bright," I spat. Venom was clear and evident in my voice. Oh how I wished my eyes weren't wrapped up right now so I could give him the beating of his life.

Maybe if he had told me the day we reunited that my sister was dead, my hopes of reuniting with her wouldn't have grown. But he didn't tell me. "Amy, I just wanted to protect you-"

"Protect me from what?" I growled, standing up. "If you had told me you would've protected me from this pain I am feeling now! Do you know how much it hurts thinking you might have a chance to meet someone? And then find out they're dead!? Do you have any-"

"Yes I do!" Scourge roared. That shut me up. Never had I heard him yell like that. Even so, I was shaking with anger. "The day you ran away we were so scared and worried, Amelia. We were worried about our little sister who was out in the big cruel world by herself. We wanted to go look for you."

"You wanted to look for me, huh. Where were you all these damned years? I suffered alone. Everyday that I saw people happily with their parents it reminded me that mine were no longer alive, Scourge. I missed that parently warmth-"

"Who's fault was it that they had left? Rosy and I would have happily taken care of you. But you left. You were the one who got up and had left. And it was Rosy's idea to go looking for you several years ago before she died as well."

A frowned formed on my lips. "Then why didn't you go looking for me." The feelings that were stirring inside of me ever so dangerously were getting to me. I was beginning to feel dizzy.

"Amy sit down."

"Why didn't you," I repeated, ignoring his comment.

"I was afraid," he said after a few moments of silence.


"Of losing you."

I felt my face go downward. "Amy?" I looked back up at the source of his voice. I felt my way around the room until I found the door.

Reaching for the knob I faced him once more. "You just did."


Normal P.O.V.

Scourge sat down and buried his head into his hands. He hadn't been lying about wanting to protect Amy. She was the only one left of his family and he didn't want to lose her.

Though with his lies, it seemed as if he had. A good and stable relationship is formed with honesty.

His mother would always tell them that. He however failed that phase. Maybe if he had told her from the beginning about Rosy they wouldn't be in that predicament. However, you couldn't go back in time, you couldn't erase the past, and you couldn't erase lies.

This entire time his sister had been living a lie. And it had been his fault.


Amy's P.O.V.

If he had truly missed me and was afraid of losing me then he could've stopped me from leaving then. I was young and weak back then. He always took me down easily. Why was it that he hadn't stopped me?

I didn't blame Rosy. I remember she had soccer practice that day. "Rose?"

All thoughts stopped as I head his voice. He had been with me most of the time after the attack. He had been the one who had been there when I woke up. "Hey, Shadow."

"Are you alright?" I felt body heat next to me, meaning he had taken a seat next to me outside on the grass. I sighed.

"Define alright, Shadow. My brother has been lying to me these last few months. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about him anymore, or if I can trust him for that matter."

His hand touched mine, causing my heart to flutter. I didn't know if he felt something for me, but I knew what it was what I felt for him. Him touching my hand didn't help my already poor and vulnerable heart. "Shadow?"

"I don't know exactly what it was that happened between you and Scourge, but know that I'm here for you and I will always be here for you, no matter what happens. You can count on me for anything," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Thank you, Shadow, that means a lot coming from you," I said, smiling.

"You're welcome, Rose."

Suddenly, I had the urge to tease him. "Hey, since when are you a big huggable, mushy teddy bear Shadow?" I smirked, facing the direction of his voice. I heard him stutter and try to find the words to talk back. I laughed, thinking how adorable he was. Though I couldn't see him, I could picture him in my mind.

Tan muzzle tinted pink from embarrassment. Crimson eyes flicmering back and forth, avoiding me as if I could see him. His right hand scratching his head as he tried looking for an answer while his left hand held onto my own.

Perhaps it was  the current situation or the fact my eyes were wrapped, but what I was about to do I wouldn't have done in my five senses. I felt bold and itched closer to him, letting go of his hand. "Rose?" I wrapped my arms gently around his waist and kissed his cheek.

I leaned into the crook of his neck and sighed happily. "I was only teasing. I love you just the way you are."

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