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Something that sounded like an explosion resonated in the air around them. People began murmuring something about terrorists with fear in their eyes while others began talking about Eggman.

"Did you hear that?"

Shadow gave Sonic a tired look. "No." Sonic made a face at his shady counterpart.

"Are you sure? I know I heard something," Sonic muttered. Shadow walked beside him, shrugging it off. The two of them had been bored and had gone for a walk, something surprising for the two of them to do. Ever since Amy returned with Scourge, everything had been laid back and chill.

"Yes I am sure and whatever it was, it's gone now," Shadow said, yawning while his hands clutched his barely visible belly.

Sonic glared at him. He was mad at Shadow. He had ordered every chili dog from his favorite stand and devoured them. And he didn't get a single taste. Shadow had looked a bit green afterwards, not being used to having consumed so much chili.

They kept walking in silence, the sound hung in the back of their minds. Maybe they should-

"Guys! Its Amy and Scourge!" Silver yelled as he ran past them. Both hedgehogs sent each other a shocked look before running after the white blur. When they arrived at the park, a few trees were toppled over, Scourge was groaning a few feet away from one trying to get up and Amy was no where to be seen.

"Scourge! Where's Amy!" The emerald hedgehog lifted a bloody hand towards the tree he was laying in front of.

Silver ran towards Scourge, healing him a bit. "Silver, shouldn't you be lifting the tree up with your psychokenisis?"

Scourge shoved Silver's hands off of his persona and pointed at the tree. "Remove it, now. I can't afford losing Amy too!" His green eyes were red with anger. What had happened?

Silver did as he was told, the tree covered in a blue aura. Slowly but surely, the tree began to rise. Shadow's crimson eyes widened. Rose?! There she was, laying unconscious on the ground, blood everywhere. Her axe was next to her, shoved a bit into the ground.

Closely studying the bark it could be seen there was an indentation where her axe had been. It was what had prevented the tree from crushing her.


All four hedgehogs ran to the pink colored hedgehog. She didn't respond to any cry. Scrounge ran and plopped unceremoniously next to her still form. Tears rimmed his eyes, his beaten and bloody hands softly touching her cheeks.

"Oh sister... please, don't leave me... you can't, not you too." Scourge lifted  Amy's head and settled her into his lap, where he cradled her.

The other three hedgehogs gave each other concerned looks. They needed to get the two siblings to a hospital - and fast. Amy looked like she didn't have much time left, and Scourge liked like he was about to pass out due to blood loss. "Chaos control us there?"

"No need to tell me twice faker," Shadow growled, his crimson eyes finding the wilted rose in Scourge's lap. Taking his emerald, he shouted,"Chaos control!" And with a flash of light, all five hedgehogs were gone.


Amy's P.O.V.

My head was throbbing, and I felt lightheaded. I couldn't seem to open my eyes, maybe I had died? I tried sitting up but only groaned in pain as a sharp blinding stab traveled through my body. I touched my eyes, realizing they were bandaged. Just as I was about to rip them off, a hand gripped my wrist with a vice like grip.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

My voice turned in the direction of the voice. "Why not? I want to see. This feeling of blindness is so... Uncool."

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