On The Road

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Amy turned off her motorcycle and sighed. She had been traveling for a week now, and finally came to the place where her parents had died. Where she last saw her brother. She took off her helmet and took a look around. The skies were gray, and the area was full of trees and mountains.


'Oh no! They found me...' Amy closed her eyes and slowly reached out for ignition.

"Amy, dare you run away from your brother?"

She stopped. The pink hedgehog slowly turned around and saw the green hedgehog with ice blue eyes. "Big brother..." Tears began to rim her eyes. "Scourge...! You're okay...!" She cried, dropping her helmet, rushing off of her cycle and ran to him.

He chuckled lightly as Amy crushed him in a hug, crying into his scarred chest. "And Rosy?" She finally asked, calmed down after a bit.

Scourge frowned. No need to tell her that Rosy had died trying to rob a bank. "She left."

Amy raised a brow. "Where to?"

Scourge shrugged and shook his head. "She only said she wanted to be alone. Didn't want to know about her family what so ever."

"Oh..." Amy sighed, looking down.

The elder hedgehog noticed and cleared his throat, walking over to her bike. "You got to work," he whistled.

Amy looked up to her brother and then to the motorcycle. "Yep. I also have a black camaro with white racing stripes."

"Looks like you turned all dark and evil on me, Amelia," Scourge smirked, putting his hand on one handle. "And look at the helmet. A rose with a gun."

"Yep... Dark." Amy sighed.

"Something tells me that you didn't just come to see me. And looks like you'll be staying long, considering that fat bag on your back. Here let me help you, before you break it."

Amy had to laugh, but also groaned as the weight was lifted. She hasn't really pages attention to her back until now. "Thanks Bro..."

"Yep. So wanna come over to my place and talk there?" He said, weighing the bag in his hands before putting it on.

"Sounds great, how far?" Amy asked, as she headed towards her bike.

"Past that mountain over there."

Amy sighed and put on her helmet, turning the ignition. "Need a ride?"

"Nah, I'm almost as fast as that blue hero of yours. How about a race?" Scourge laughed, stretching his legs.

Amy turned on her headlights and revved her engine. "You bet!"  Then they took off at an amazing speed.


Sonic was carrying Sally bridal style, Shadow was on his cycle, Rouge up sky high and flying, along with Tails and Cream who were in the X-Tornado. Knuckles jumped from tree to tree, like Tarzan would.

"How far could a hedgehog go on foot?!" Rouge yelled, catching up to Shadow and Sonic. "I mean, her car was still in her garage."

"We can go pretty far, Rouge, given a chance," Sonic replied, keeping his eyes in front of him.

"Coming from you it has to be true." Shadow said, his voice monotone like always. But in the inside he was worried just as everyone else.

"Wait Sonic!" He skidded to a halt, as Sally jumps out of his arms and ran back to a spot. She bent down to the ground and picked up something, staring at it before going back to them.

"What was that about, Sal?"

"Isn't this Amy's?" She asked, holding out her hand. Resting in her palm was a broken charm bracelet.

"Yeah, I... I gave that to her on her fifteenth birthday..." Sonic mumbled, grabbing it from her palm.

Shadow just stared at it, but his communicator on his wrist vibrated. Tails showed up on the small screen. "What's the matter."

"Why aren't you guys below us?"

"We found another possession of Amy. We'll catch up in a bit." And he hung up. "Let's go, Tails is waiting for us." And he left. Rouge went after, leaving the Ex couple to themselves.

"You like her, don't you?" Sally asked, standing in front of him, staring into his emerald eyes.

"N-n-no!" Sonic replied, his muzzle turning red and his emerald eyes starting to shift all over the place.

"Mhm... You know, Amy is a good girl. I wouldn't mind the two of you to go out." And she ran away, after the team.


Amy speed past her brother, laughing, and it had been like this most of the way. He would take the lead, and then her, etc.

She couldn't remember the last time she had had so much fun. All she knew at the moment was that her brother still cared for her and was alive.

"Almost there, Ames."

'Ames... I wonder if they noticed that I have been gone? Nah, probably not. Why would they miss a bother like me?' She thought.

Soon, a large house came into view, gate and everything. "You live in mansion?!" Amy yelled, shocked.

"Haha, Amelia. Not quite. But, its a mini mansion so close," he smiled, slowing down to a stop.

"You have yet to surprise me more, brother, I assume?"

"You bet!" Scourge smirked.

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