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Amy punched her brother. He kicked at her shins. They were training, their fur and skin soaked in sweat. It had been two hours already since they had started to train.

"Don't you think its time that you go tell your so called friends that you're here?"

"Nah, I don't think I'm valuable to them. All I was a nuisance. Why would I tell them I am back? Bet they didn't even notice I was gone in the first place." Amy responded, completely stopping.

"Oh?" Scourge asked, stooping as well, raising a brow.

"All I did was mess around with my piko piko hammer."

"But now you got your Axe!" Scourge laughed.

"Yeah, and I love it so much."

Then, they heard a thud. "Did you lock the door?" Amy asked, raising her brow herself.

"I...think?" Answered the green hedgehog, shrugging.

"Let's go see then."

Shadow's p.o.v.

"The lights are on. Most certainly, if the fire is going, then someone is in the house."

"But who? Silver said he saw a male green hedgehog come into the house," Sally inquired.

"Possibly the green hedgehog himself," Blaze said, stepping into the living room. She put her hands near the chimney,"Who else thinks its freezing out there?"

"Who's there?!" A yell echoed through the house.

Everyone got into fighting stances. We didn't know what to expect. But we did know at the same time. All we expected was a male hedgehog. But we heard running, and a female voice.

"Are you sure the hedgehog was a dude, because that certainly sounded like a dudette!" Tails shrieked.

A green hedgehog did step out of the shadows, his ice blue eyes shining with the fire. "Who are you and how did you come in?"

"We're the ones that should be asking who you are, man."

"More like I should be the one asking why in the devil's name is everyone here in my house?" A voice echoed through the halls. A voice so soft, yet powerful.

A Rose hedgehog dropped down in front of us, between the green hedgehog and our group.

Her quills were long now, as were her bangs. She no longer sported a red dress and boots. She had a black short skirt (her tail is poking out from underneath), black booties, a purple ripped tank, along with some chains. Her fur was glistening with sweat.



She lifted her head, to reveal her eyes. They were dancing between two colors - ice blue and jade.

"Again, I ask, why are you all in my house?"

"What the hell is he doing here?!" Sonic yelled.

A Black and Red Rose (Original)Where stories live. Discover now